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Kata Awalan S Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan S Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 Sabtu Saturday
2 Selasa Tuesday
3 Serani Eurasian
4 Seri Paduka His Majesty
5 Syaaban eighth month of the Muslim calendar
6 Syawal tenth month of the Muslim calendar
7 saat second (time); moment
8 Saban every
9 sabar patient; calm
10 sabda saying; verbal expression
11 sabit sickle
12 sabun soap
13 sabung-menyabung flashing (of lighting)
14 sabung to fight (of cocks)
15 sabungan cock-fighting
16 sabut husk
17 sadai stranded; beached (of boat)
18 sadap to tap a palm tree for its juice
19 saderi celery
20 sadur metallic plating or coating
21 saga a type of red seed
22 sagat to grate; to scrape
23 sagu sago
24 sah authentic; genuine; legal
25 sahabat friend
26 sahaja only; merely; just
27 saham a share
28 sahih true; valid; sure; certain
29 sahsiah personality
30 sahur pre-dawn meal in the Muslim fasting month
31 sahut to answer a call
32 sahutan an answer; a response
33 saing compete; companion
34 saingan competition; rivalry
35 sajak poem
36 saji to serve (food)
37 sajian a dish
38 sakat to make fun of; to tease
39 saki-baki remainder; balance
40 sakit hati annoyed
41 sakit ill; pain; painful
42 saksama just; impartial; fair
43 saksi witness
44 sakti supernatural power
45 saku pocket
46 salah (1)wrong (2)guilty; at fault
47 salai to roast; to dry over a fire
48 salak to bark
49 salam peace; greetings
50 salang a method of execution
51 salangkan even if
52 salasilah genealogy; pedigree
53 salib cross for crucifixion
54 salih pious; virtuous
55 salin (1)to change clothes (2)to give birth
56 salinan a copy
57 saling mutual
58 salir to flow off; to drain away
59 saliran drainage
60 salji snow
61 salur darah blood vessel
62 salur kencing urethra
63 salur mani vas deferens
64 salur nadi artery
65 salur to lead or channel into
66 saluran a channel
67 salut bunga calyx
68 salut to coat; to enwrap
69 sama same; together
70 samak tannin
71 samar dim; vague; obscure
72 sambal spicy condiment
73 sambar to swoop down and seize; to snatch
74 sambil lalu incidentally; by the way
75 sambil while; simultaneously
76 sambilan part-time; subsidiary
77 sambung to fasten or join together; to continue
78 sambungan continuation; connection; extension
79 sambut to welcome; to receive; to celebrate or observe
80 sambutan reception; welcome; response; celebration
81 sami Buddhist monk
82 sampah sarap garbage of all sorts
83 sampah rubbish; garbage; litter
84 sampai hati to have the heart to do something
85 sampai (1)to reach; to arrive (2)till; until
86 sampan small boat
87 samping side; flank
88 sampingan a by product
89 sampuk to interfere; to interrupt; to intervene
90 sampul envelope; wrapper; cover
91 samseng gangster; hooligan
92 samudera ocean; sea
93 samun to rob
94 sana there
95 sanak saudara relatives
96 sandang shoulder-strap
97 sandar-menyandar to depend on one another
98 sandar to lean on; to rely on; to depend on
99 sandaran prop; support; maintenance
100 sanding near; close; adjacent
101 sandiwara stageplay; concert
102 sang honorific epithet
103 sangat very; extremely
104 sangga to support
105 sanggah-menyanggah to oppose; to protest against
106 sanggama union; confederation
107 sanggul coiffure; knot of hair
108 sanggup willing; ready; able; capable
109 sangka to presume; to expect; to guess
110 sangkaan presumption; conjecture; guess; imagination; expectation
111 sangkak to hinder; to obstruct; to impede
112 sangkal (1)to deny (2)handle (of hammer)
113 sangkalan denial
114 sangkar cage
115 sangkut-paut involved; implicated
116 sangkut stuck; attached
117 sangsi to doubt; to be suspicious
118 sanjung to praise; to flatter; to adulate
119 sanjungan flattery; adulation
120 santai relaxation
121 santan coconut milk
122 santap to eat and drink (of royalty); to dine
123 santapan food; dishes; meal
124 santun well-mannered
125 sanubari heart; emotions
126 sapa to greet; to speak to; to address
127 sapaan greeting; salutation
128 sapi cow or bull
129 sapu tangan handkerchief
130 sapu to wipe; to sweep; to rub gently
131 sara hidup livelihood
132 sara pension; allowance
133 saraf nerve
134 saran to suggest; to propose
135 saranan suggestion; proposal; propaganda
136 sarang nest; web
137 sarap to have breakfast
138 sarapan breakfast
139 sarat heavily loaded
140 saribunga corolla; petals
141 saring to filter; to refine; to sift; to sieve; to purify
142 saringan refinement; preliminary rounds of contest
143 sarjana muda bachelor's degree
144 sarjana scholar
145 sarung sarong; sheath; cover; wrapper
146 sasa strong; sturdy
147 sasar eccentric; odd; confused; crazy
148 sasaran target
149 sastera literature
150 sasterawan male scholar
151 sasterawati female scholar
152 sasul overshot; gone too far
153 satah plane; flat; level
154 satu-satu one by one
155 satu-satunya the only one
156 satu one
157 saudagar merchant; trader
158 saudara-mara relatives in general
159 saudara brother or sister; relative; comrade
160 saudari female relative or friend
161 sauh anchor
162 saujana spacious; extensive
163 sauk a scoop
164 sawah rice-field
165 sawan fits; epilepsy
166 sawang cobweb
167 sawat belt
168 saya I; my; me
169 sayang love; affection
170 sayap wing
171 sayat to slice
172 sayu sad; melancholic
173 sayup-sayup vague; indistinct
174 sayup very faintly visible or audible
175 sayur-mayur variety of vegetables
176 sayur-sayuran variety of vegetables
177 sayur vegetable
178 sealam having the same nature
179 searah in the same direction
180 sebab-musabab reason
181 sebab reason; cause; because
182 sebagaimana as; like
183 sebaik-baik as good as; just
184 sebaiknya better; as it should be
185 sebak to shed tears; choked
186 sebal resentful; disillusioned; dissatisfied
187 sebaliknya on the contrary
188 sebanding comparable
189 sebangsa of the same race
190 sebanyak-banyaknya at the most
191 sebanyak as much as; as many as
192 sebapa having the same father
193 sebar to spread; to distribute; to disseminate
194 sebaran seed
195 sebarang whatever; any
196 sebat to whip; to cane; to steal
197 sebatan whipping; caning
198 sebaya
199 sebelah-menyebelah on both sides
200 sebelah half; beside; towards
201 sebelum before
202 sebenarnya in fact
203 sebentar-sebentar at short intervals
204 sebentar a moment
205 sebentuk numerical coefficient for curved objects
206 seberang opposite side (of river, road); across
207 seberapa any amount; as much or as many as
208 sebetulnya in fact
209 sebilangan a number of
210 sebintang compatible
211 seboleh-bolehnya to the best of one's ability
212 sebu choked (of nose); full (of stomach)
213 sebulat unanimous
214 sebunyi of the same sound
215 sebut to utter; to mention; to say; to pronounce
216 sebutan expression; utterance; pronunciation
217 secara by way of; like; resembling
218 sedak to choke; to hiccup
219 sedalam-dalamnya as thoroughly as possible
220 sedalam as deep as
221 sedang (1)to be in the process of; while (2)medium (size); average; sufficient
222 sedap pleasant (of taste, smell); nice (of voice); tasty; delicious
223 sedapat-dapatnya if possible; as far as possible
224 sedar conscious; aware
225 sedarah of the same family line
226 sedarjat of equal status
227 sedaya to the extent possible
228 sedekah alms
229 sederet in a single row or line
230 sederhana moderate; average; medium; simple
231 sedia ready; prepared; willing
232 sediakala immemorial; old; of long past
233 sedih sad; sorrowful
234 sedu-sedan sobbing
235 sedu sobbing
236 sedunia the whole world
237 sedut to inhale; to suck up
238 sedutan inhalation; suction
239 sefikiran having the same opinion
240 segak smart-looking; chic; elegant; stylish
241 segala-galanya everything
242 segala all; entire; whole; every
243 segan-silu bashful
244 segan shy; bashful
245 segar-bugar fit; like new
246 segar fresh
247 segelintir a small part; a small group
248 segenap all
249 segenggam a fistful; a handful
250 segera without delay; urgent; quick
251 segi empat square
252 segi tiga sama kaki isosceles triangle
253 segi tiga sama sisi equilateral triangle
254 segi tiga triangle
255 segi aspect; angle; view; side; facet
256 segugus a bundle or bunch of
257 sehabis immediately after
258 sehari-hari every day
259 sehari-harian all day long
260 sehari one day
261 sehati sejiwa one heart and soul (togetherness)
262 seia sekata agreeable
263 seiring side-by-side
264 sejabat colleague
265 sejagat worldwide; universal
266 sejahat-jahat however bad
267 sejahtera peaceful
268 sejajar parallel; in line with; in alignment
269 sejak since
270 sejarah history
271 sejat to evaporate
272 sejati real; true (of friends)
273 sejauh as far as
274 sejawat colleague
275 sejemput a pinch of
276 sejenak a moment
277 sejengkal a span between the tips of stretched thumb and little finger
278 sejenis of one type; a type of
279 sejuk cool; cold
280 sejumlah a total of; a sum of
281 sejurus a moment
282 sekadar just; only
283 sekali imbas glance
284 sekali-sekala once in a while
285 sekali once; at the same time; superlative
286 sekalian all
287 sekaligus
288 sekalipun
289 sekam grain husk; chaff
290 sekarang now
291 sekat to block; to obstruct
292 sekata even
293 sekatan obstruction
294 sekehendak hati according to one's wish
295 sekejap a moment
296 sekelamin a pair; a couple
297 sekeliling surrounding
298 sekelip mata in a wink
299 sekerap scrap
300 seketika a moment
301 seketul a lump
302 sekian that's all
303 sekitar surrounding
304 sekoi millet
305 sekolah school
306 sekongkol conspiracy
307 sekonyong-konyong sudden; abrupt; curt
308 seksa to torture
309 seksaan suffering; torture
310 sekumpulan a group
311 sekuntum a flower
312 sekurang-kurangnya at least
313 sekutu partner; ally
314 sela interval; gap; opening
315 seladang wild ox
316 selak (1)a bolt (2)to pull out a garment
317 selalu always
318 selam to dive
319 selamat datang welcome
320 selamat jalan goodbye; farewell
321 selamat malam goodnight
322 selamat pagi good morning
323 selamat safe
324 selamba poker-faced; shameless
325 selang interval; pause
326 selaput mata cataract
327 selaput membrane
328 selar branding iron
329 selasih a type of plant
330 selat straits
331 Selatan south
332 selawat prayer for peace and prosperity
333 selekeh stain; smudge
334 selekoh curve; bend; twist
335 selempang sash
336 selendang shawl
337 selenggara to maintain; to look after; to keep in good condition
338 selera appetite; zest
339 selerak scattered
340 selesa comfortable; leisure
341 selesai finished; settled; completed
342 seleweng to divert; to deviate
343 selia to inspect
344 selidik to investigate; to study; to do research
345 selimut blanket
346 selinap to sneak away
347 selindung to hide; to conceal; to take cover
348 seling alternate
349 selingan interlude
350 selirat confused
351 selisih difference; dispute; disagreement
352 selit to insert
353 seliuh sprained
354 selok-belok intricacy
355 selok intricacy
356 selongkar to ransack; to rummage
357 seloroh comical; joking; humorous
358 selsema a cold (medical)
359 seluar dalam underpants
360 seluar trousers; pants
361 selubung cover; veil
362 seludup to smuggle
363 seluk to put the hand in the pocket
364 selumbar wooden splinter
365 seluruh entire; whole
366 selusup to penetrate; to infiltrate
367 selut mud
368 semadi (1)concentration (2)to bury
369 semai to sow; to plant seedlings
370 semaian nursery; seedlings
371 semak-samun undergrowth of all kinds
372 semak (1)bush; undergrowth (2)to check (3)to revise
373 semangat spirit; zest; enthusiasm; soul; vigour
374 semangka watermelon
375 semarak splendour; excellence
376 semat a pin
377 semayam To reside; to sit; to rest (of rulers)
378 sembah salam good wishes
379 sembah to worship; to idolize
380 sembahyang to worship; to pray
381 sembam to fall in a prone position or on one's face
382 sembang chatter
383 sembap to swell
384 sembarang arbitrary
385 sembarangan
386 sembelih to slaughter
387 sembelihan slaughter; bloodshed
388 sembelit constipation; constipated
389 sembilan nine
390 semboyan signal; alarm
391 sembuh to recover from ill-health
392 sembul to protrude
393 sembunyi to hide; to conceal
394 sembur to spout; to spray; to sprinkle
395 semenanjung peninsula
396 semenjak itu ever since
397 semenjak since
398 sementara itu meanwhile
399 sementara temporary; while
400 semerbak fragrant
401 semesta alam the whole universe
402 semesta all; entire; the whole
403 sempadan boundary
404 sempang hyphen
405 sempat having the time; early
406 sempena in conjunction with; in commemoration of
407 sempit narrow
408 sempurna complete; perfect
409 semua all
410 semuanya wholly; entirely
411 semut ant
412 sen cent
413 senak perut indigestion; feeling of fullness in abdomen
414 senak tight; feeling stuffed
415 senam to do physical exercise
416 senaman physical exercise
417 senang easy; comfortable; free (from care)
418 senapang gun
419 senarai list
420 senda joke
421 sendat tight; close-fitting
422 sendawa to belch; to burp
423 sendeng slanting; sloping; leaning; askew
424 sendi joint
425 sendiri-sendiri each; individually
426 sendiri alone; on one's own
427 senduk ladle
428 sengaja purposely; intentionally
429 sengal pain in the joints; rheumatism
430 sengat a sting
431 sengau nasal (of voice)
432 senget slanting; inclining
433 senggugut dysmenorrhoea
434 sengguk to nod
435 sengih to grin
436 sengihan a grin
437 sengit violent
438 sengkang a dash
439 sengketa a dispute
440 sengsara suffering; agony
441 seni bahasa fine language
442 seni bina architecture
443 seni lukis art of painting or drawing
444 seni ukir sculpture
445 seni (1)art; skill (2)fine
446 seniman male actor
447 seniwati actress
448 senja dusk; twilight
449 senjakala evening
450 senjata api firearms
451 senjata berat artillery
452 senjata weapon; arms
453 senonoh proper; decent; well-behaved
454 sentak to jerk; to pull suddenly
455 sental to rub; to scrub; to erase
456 sentap to tug; to pull sharply
457 senteng short or scanty (of clothes)
458 sentiasa always
459 sentosa peaceful; tranquil
460 sentuh to touch
461 sentuhan contact
462 senyap-senyap quietly; without anybody's knowledge
463 senyap quiet; silent
464 senyum to smile
465 senyuman a smile
466 seolah-olah as if; as though
467 seorangan alone
468 sepah (1)to chew (of betel leaf) (2)scattered
469 sepak (1)to slap (2)to kick
470 sepanduk banner; placard
471 separa a section only
472 separuh half; semi
473 sepatu besi horse-shoe
474 sepatu shoe
475 sepenggalah a pole's length
476 seperjuangan a common fight or struggle
477 seperti like; such as
478 sepi quiet; desolate; deserted
479 sepit tweezers; pincers; chopsticks
480 sepoi-sepoi bahasa soft breeze
481 sepoi-sepoi gentle; mild
482 sepuh gilt
483 serabut fibre
484 serah to surrender
485 serahan something that is submitted
486 serai lemon-grass
487 serak hoarse (of voice)
488 seram terrifying; frightful
489 serambi verandah; porch
490 serampang a harpoon
491 serang boatswain
492 serangan an attack; an assault
493 serangga insect
494 serap to absorb
495 serapah a curse
496 serapan absorption
497 seraya while; simultaneously
498 serba aneka various; all sorts
499 serba-serbi various sorts
500 serba all
501 serban turban
502 serbu to invade; to attack
503 serbuan a raid; an attack
504 serbuk powder
505 serempak coming suddenly and unexpectedly
506 serentak simultaneously
507 seret to drag
508 sergah startling
509 sergahan a snarl; act of startling
510 sergam conspicuous
511 seri (1)splendour; brightness (2)royal honorific (3)a draw or tie (of a game)
512 serigala wolf; jackal
513 serik to discourage
514 sering often; frequently
515 seringai a grin
516 seringkali often; frequently
517 serkap conical fish-trap
518 serkup conical coop
519 serlah gleaming white against dark background; exposed
520 serong askew; crooked; unfaithful; insincere
521 seronok enjoyable; pleasant
522 serpih a chip; a fragment; a splinter
523 serpihan a chip; a fragment; a splinter
524 serta-merta immediately
525 serta (1)together with; along with (2)as soon as
526 seru to cry aloud; to exclaim; to call
527 seruan an exclamation
528 seruling flute
529 seseorang somebody
530 sesuai suitable; appropriate
531 sesungut feeler; antenna
532 seterika iron (for clothes)
533 seteru enemy; foe
534 setia loyal; faithful
535 setiausaha secretary
536 setinggan squatter
537 seumur of the same age; all (one's) life
538 sewajarnya naturally
539 sewaktu while
540 sia-sia useless; futile; in vain
541 siak mosque caretaker
542 sial unlucky; unfortunate
543 siamang a gibbon
544 siang hari daytime
545 siang-siang early
546 siang (1)daytime (2)to cut up and clean (meat or fish)
547 siap sedia ready; well-prepared
548 siap ready; prepared; finished; completed
549 siapa who; whose
550 siar to stroll
551 siaran a broadcast
552 siasat to investigate
553 siasatan investigative; investigation
554 siat to tear into small pieces; to shred
555 sibuk busy
556 sibur-sibur dragon-fly
557 sifar zero
558 sifat characteristic; feature; quality
559 sifir an arithmetical table
560 sihat healthy
561 sihir magic; sorcery
562 sijil certificate
563 sikap demeanour; attitude
564 sikat (1)a comb (2)a bunch (of bananas)
565 siku-siku a set-square
566 siku elbow
567 sila (1)please (2)to sit cross-legged
568 silam the past
569 silang a cross
570 silap wrong; mistaken
571 silau glitter; dazzle
572 silih alternate
573 silu shy; bashful; timid
574 simbah soaked; wet
575 simpan to keep; to store; to save (money)
576 simpanan savings
577 simpang-siur criss-crossing
578 simpang junction
579 simpangan cross-roads
580 simpul a knot
581 simpulan bahasa an idiom
582 simpulan a knot; a bond
583 sinar a ray; a beam (of light)
584 sinaran a ray; a glow; a gleam; a glitter; illumination
585 sindir to hint; to insinuate; to tease; to mock
586 sindiran insinuation
587 singa lion
588 singgah to stop by on the way
589 singgahsana throne
590 singgung to insult; to offend
591 singkap to reveal; to expose; to lay open; to lift (skirt)
592 singkat short; brief
593 singkatan abbreviation
594 singkir to expel; dismiss
595 singsing to roll up (sleeves; trousers)
596 sini here
597 sinis cynical
598 sipi off target
599 siput snail
600 siram to water
601 sirap slightly raised
602 sirat netting; mesh
603 sirih betel leaf
604 sirip fin
605 sisa remainder; leftovers
606 sisi side; edge
607 sisih to stay apart
608 sisik scale (of fish)
609 sisip to insert
610 sisipan insertion
611 sisir (1)to comb (2)a comb (of bananas)
612 sita forfeited; confiscated
613 sitaan confiscation; confiscated goods
614 situ there
615 siuman recovered consciousness; sane
616 soal selidik questionaire
617 soalan a question
618 sodok to shovel
619 sogok a bribe
620 sokong to support; to back up
621 sokongan support; backing
622 solek make-up
623 sombong proud; conceited; snobbish
624 sompek chipped
625 sorak-sorai applause; cheering
626 sorakan applause; cheers
627 sore afternoon; early evening
628 sorok to hide; to conceal
629 sorong to push forward; to shove; to urge
630 sorot (1)ray; beam (2)to review
631 sorotan (1)glow; radiation (2)reflection; review
632 sotong cuttlefish
633 sua to meet; to encounter; to join
634 suai kenal orientation
635 suai suitable; fit; appropriate
636 suam lukewarm; feverish
637 suami husband
638 suap (1)to feed (2)to bribe
639 suara hati conscience
640 suara ramai opinion of the majority
641 suara voice
642 suasana mood; atmosphere; situation; circumstances
643 suatu one; a
644 subahat accomplice
645 subang ear-ring; ear-stud
646 subuh dawn
647 subur flourishing; healthy; fertile
648 suci chaste; pure; virtuous; holy
649 sudah-sudah past; bygone
650 sudah already; finished
651 sudahlah that's enough
652 sudahnya finally
653 sudi willing
654 sudip wooden ladle
655 sudu spoon
656 sudut corner; angle; aspect; point of view
657 sugul sadness; grief; sorrow
658 suhu temperature
659 sujud prostrate (in prayer)
660 suka hati delighted; happy
661 suka ria gay; happy
662 suka like; enjoy
663 sukacita glad; happy; cheerful
664 sukan sport
665 sukar difficult; hard
666 sukarela voluntary
667 sukarelawan volunteer
668 sukat quantity; capacity
669 sukatan measurement; assessment
670 suku bangsa tribe
671 suku kata a syllable
672 suku-sakat family; clan
673 suku a quarter
674 sula to impale
675 sulah bald
676 sulam to embroider
677 sulaman embroidery
678 suling distilled
679 sulit (1)secret; confidential (2)difficult
680 sultan Muslim ruler
681 sultanah Muslim ruler's consort
682 suluh a torch
683 sulung the first; the eldest
684 sulur tendril
685 sumbang (1)to donate; to contribute (2)indecent; immoral
686 sumbangan contribution
687 sumbangsih contribution; aid; alms
688 sumbat (1)cork; stopper (2)tight (hole)
689 sumber source; resource
690 sumbing torn; split
691 sumbu horn of a rhinoceros
692 sumpah-sumpah chameleon
693 sumpah oath; solemn promise
694 sumpahan curse
695 sumpit shoot with a blow-pipe
696 sumpitan blow-pipe
697 sumsum bone marrow
698 sumur a well
699 sunat circumcision
700 sungai river
701 sungguh-sungguh truly; really; indeed; ernestly
702 sungguh true; real; indeed
703 sungguhpun although
704 sungkur (1)to lower one's head (2)a shovel
705 sungut-sungut feeler; antenna
706 sungut feeler; antenna
707 sunti a female child
708 suntik to inject; to inoculate; to vaccinate
709 suntikan injection; inoculation; vaccination
710 sunting an ornament worn in the hair
711 suntuk short of time; overdue
712 sunyi quiet; lonely
713 supaya so that; in order to
714 surah a chapter of the Koran
715 surai (1)to disperse (2)tress; horse's mane
716 suram gloomy; hazy; dim
717 surat letter
718 suratkhabar newspaper
719 surau Muslim prayer house
720 suri rumahtangga housewife
721 suri queen
722 suria the sun
723 suruh to order or instruct
724 suruhan an order
725 suruhanjaya commission
726 surut to subside; to ebb; to decrease
727 susah hati worried; troubled
728 susah-susah to bother; to take the trouble
729 susah (1)difficult (2)misery; worry
730 susila ethical
731 susu milk
732 susuh a spur (of cock)
733 susuk badan bodily shape or figure
734 susuk figure; shape
735 susul to follow
736 susulan follow-up
737 susun pile; layer
738 susunan arrangement
739 susup to enter secretly; to infiltrate
740 susur edge; fringe; margin; border
741 susut to decrease; to shrink
742 sutera silk
743 sutradara director of a play or film
744 swasta private (not public)
745 syabas well done; good
746 syah ruler
747 syahbandar harbour-master
748 syahdan meanwhile; then; furthermore; moreover
749 syahid martyr
750 syair poem
751 syaitan satan; the devil
752 syak suspicion
753 syarah to lecture
754 syarahan a lecture
755 syarat condition; requirement; prerequisite
756 syariah Islamic law
757 syarikat company; corporation
758 syirik polytheism
759 syok attractive; appealing; pleasant
760 syor suggestion; recommendation
761 syukur thanks; gratitude
762 syurga heaven
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