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Kata Awalan H Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan H Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 haba heat
2 habis finished; completed; done
3 hablur crystal
4 habuan share (e.g. of prize)
5 habuk dust
6 had limit
7 hadam digest
8 hadap front; direction
9 hadapan forward part; in front
10 hadas ritual impurity
11 hadiah present; gift; prize
12 hadir to be present
13 hadirin those present
14 hafaz memorise
15 haid menstruation
16 hairan astonished; amazed; surprised
17 haiwan animal
18 hajah a Muslim woman who has fulfilled the pilgrimage to Mecca
19 hajat purpose; intention; desire
20 haji a Muslim man who has fulfilled the pilgrimage to Mecca
21 hak cipta copyright
22 hak milik proprietary rights
23 hak right; entitlement
24 hakikat truth; reality
25 hakiki true; real
26 hakim judge
27 hakis erode
28 hakisan erosion
29 hal-ehwal affairs
30 hal matter; situation
31 hala direction
32 halaju velocity
33 halal rightful; permissible; legitimate
34 halaman (1) compound (2) page
35 halang block; obstruct; hinder
36 halangan obstacle
37 halau chase or drive away
38 halia ginger
39 halilintar thunder
40 halimunan invisible
41 Halkum larynx; Adam's apple
42 haloba greed; greedy
43 haluan (1) bow of boat (2) direction; course
44 halus-halus finely
45 halus fine; soft; gentle; refined
46 halwa fruits preserved in syrup
47 hama germ
48 hamba slave
49 hambar tasteless; insipid
50 hambat pursue or chase
51 hambur scattered
52 hambus go away
53 hamil pregnant
54 hamis stink
55 hampa beras husk
56 hampa hati frustrated; disappointed
57 hampa devoid; lacking; disappointed; frustrated
58 hampagas vacuum
59 hampar spread out (a carpet)
60 hamparan carpet; mat
61 hampas kelapa coconut dregs; coconut husk
62 hampas dregs
63 hampir-hampir nearly; almost
64 hampir near; close; almost
65 hamput scold
66 hamun chide; scold; abuse
67 hancing stinking; foul-smelling
68 hancur luluh destroy (of marriage, friendship); devastated
69 hancur destroy; dissolve; shatter
70 handai friend; associate
71 handal reliable; strong; clever
72 hangat hot
73 hangit having a burning smell
74 hangus burnt; scorched
75 hantam (1) hit or punch (2) finish all at once
76 hantar send; pass (a ball)
77 hantaran dowry; something that is sent
78 hantu ghost; phantom; spectre
79 hantuk bump or knock into
80 hantukan bumping or knocking sound
81 hanya satu except one; only one
82 hanya only
83 hanyir stinking; fishy
84 hanyut drift; wander; carried away by a current
85 hanyutan drifting movement
86 hapak musty; stale-smelling
87 hapus vanish; disappear
88 harafiah literal
89 haram unlawful; forbidden; illicit
90 harap hope
91 harapan hope; expectation
92 harga price; value
93 hari day
94 harian daily
95 haribulan date
96 harimau tiger
97 harta tanah real estate
98 harta property
99 hartawan wealthy person; magnate
100 haru-biru uproar; chaos
101 harum fragrant
102 haruman fragrance; perfume
103 harung wade
104 harus necessary; inevitable; must; fitting
105 hasad jealous; envious; malevolent
106 hasil bumi natural resources
107 hasil jualan sales returns
108 hasil negeri state revenue
109 hasil pertanian agricultural products
110 hasil product; result
111 hasrat desire; ambition; object of desire
112 hasta length from elbow to tip of middle finger
113 hasut instigate
114 hasutan instigation
115 hati (1) liver (2) heart (in emotional sense)
116 haus (1) thirsty (2) worn out
117 hawa atmosphere; air; climate
118 hayat life
119 Hebah announce; broadcast
120 hebat grand; great
121 heboh noisy
122 hegeh flaunting; swagger
123 hela drag or haul
124 helah contrivance; trick; excuse
125 helai piece
126 helang eagle
127 hemah manners
128 hemat frugal; careful and economical
129 hembus blow; exhale
130 hembusan a puff; a gust of wind; exhalation
131 hempap crushed
132 hempas slam; throw; lash
133 hempedal gizzard
134 hempedu bile
135 hendak want; desire; need; wish
136 hendap lurk; latent; spy
137 hening calm; clear; pure
138 hentak stamp (of feet)
139 hentakan stamping of the feet
140 hentam keromo to finish all at once
141 hentam bash; strike; batter; beat
142 henti stop
143 henyak stamp
144 herdik scold; find fault
145 herdikan scolding
146 heret drag
147 herot crooked
148 hias adorn; make-up; decorate
149 hiba sorrow; longing
150 hibur entertain; amuse
151 hiburan entertainment; amusement
152 hidang serve; present (food)
153 hidangan a dish of food
154 hidap suffer from (an illness)
155 hidayat guidance
156 hidu smell
157 hidung tinggi snobbish
158 hidung nose
159 hidup-hidup alive
160 hidup live; alive; life
161 hidupan living things
162 hijau (1) green (2) immature
163 hijrah (1) Muslim era (2) migrate
164 hikayat story; history
165 hikmat wisdom; magical powers
166 hilang lost; lose
167 hilir-mudik up and down
168 hilir downstream
169 himpit squeeze or crush
170 himpitan act of squeezing or crushing; crowd
171 himpun assemble; collect
172 himpunan accumulation; collection
173 hina low-down; contemptible; dishonourable; mean
174 hincut lame
175 hindar avoid
176 hingar-bingar noisy
177 hingga till; until
178 hinggap perch
179 hinggut shake; sway
180 hingus mucus from nose
181 hirau pay attention to; feel concern for
182 hiris slice; subdivide
183 hirisan a slice
184 hiruk-pikuk clamour; uproar
185 hirup sip; suck
186 hisab calculate
187 hisap suck
188 hisapan suction
189 hitam black
190 hitung count; enumerate; consider
191 hodoh ugly
192 honar chaos; deceit; fraud
193 hormat respect
194 hubung communicate
195 hubungan connection; ties; link; sexual affair
196 hujah argument; debate; quarrel
197 hujan rintik-rintik drizzle
198 hujan rain
199 hujung minggu weekend
200 hujung tahun end of the year
201 hujung end; edge
202 hukum law
203 hukuman maut death sentence
204 hukuman penjara jail sentence
205 hukuman punishment; penalty; sentence
206 hulu (1) butt; handle (of tool or weapon) (2) upstream
207 hulubalang commander; warlord
208 hulur stretch
209 huma dry field
210 humban fling; throw; hurl
211 huni inhabit
212 hunjam bore vertically; dive; plunge down
213 hunus unsheathe
214 hurai expound; elaborate; untie
215 huraian elaboration; explanation; description
216 huru-hara uproar; chaos
217 huruf besar capital letter
218 huruf kecil small (lower case) letter
219 huruf letter of alphabet
220 hurung cancel
221 hutan forest
222 hutang lapuk bad debt
223 hutang-piutang all kinds of debts
224 hutang debt
225 huyung stagger
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