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Kata Awalan G Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan G Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 gabung join together; unite; combine
2 gabungan affiliation; combination; merger
3 gabus cork
4 gada-gada pennant
5 gada club used for fighting
6 gadai pawn; mortgage
7 gadaian a pledge
8 gadang (1)colossal; immense (2)large round tray used for winnowing
9 gading ivory; tusk
10 gadis girl; virgin
11 gado-gado (1) a Malay dish made from vegetables (2) mixed up; disorderly
12 gaduh (1) quarrel (2) noise; uproar
13 gagah gallant; brave; strong; mighty
14 gagak crow
15 gagal failed; unsuccessful
16 gagang handle; cradle (of telephone); stem
17 gagap stammer; stutter
18 gagas to have an idea
19 gagasan idea; plan
20 gagau grope
21 gahara of royal descent
22 gaharu sandalwood
23 gait hook; connection
24 gaitan hook; connection
25 gajah elephant
26 gaji salary; wages
27 gajus cashew nut
28 gak caw (e.g. of a rook)
29 gala a type of resin
30 galah pole
31 galak encourage
32 galakan encouragement
33 galang obstruct
34 galas carry on the back
35 gali dig
36 galian mineral
37 galur furrow; groove
38 gamak estimate
39 gamam nervous; stunned
40 gamang suffering from acrophobia (fear of heights)
41 gamat noisy; unruly; chaotic
42 gambang xylophone
43 gambar rajah diagram
44 gambar picture; photograph; drawing; illustration
45 gambaran impression
46 gambus an Arab musical instrument with six strings
47 gambut peat; soft and loose (of soil)
48 gamelan Javanese orchestra
49 gamit beckon
50 gampang easy
51 ganas ferocious; fierce; savage; violent
52 gancu long hooked stick
53 ganda double
54 gandaan multiple of a number
55 gandar axle
56 gandik (1) gold ornament on bride's forehead (2) decoration on hilt of kris
57 gandin mallet
58 ganding alongside; close beside
59 gandingan coupling
60 gandum wheat
61 gandung bamboo or wooden outrigger on the sides of a Malay boat
62 ganggang dry over a fire
63 ganggu to bother; to trouble; to disturb; to disrupt
64 gangguan disturbance; disruption; inconvenience; interference
65 gangsa bronze
66 ganja cannabis; hemp
67 ganjak move or budge slightly
68 ganjal base; stand; wedge
69 ganjar reward; gratuity
70 ganjaran reward; gratuity
71 ganjil odd; queer; strange
72 gantang a cubic measure
73 ganti substitute
74 gantirugi indemnity; compensation
75 gantung hang or suspend
76 ganyang chew up; devour; destroy
77 ganyar tough (not tender)
78 gapah hurriedly; hastily
79 gapai stretch out the hand
80 gapura arch
81 garam salt
82 garang fierce
83 garau hoarse (of voice)
84 gari handcuffs
85 garing crisp
86 garis line
87 garisan line
88 garit line; scratch
89 garpu fork
90 garu (1)a rake (2)scratch
91 garuk hoarse, deep or husky (of voice)
92 gasak (1) strike (2) eat gluttonously
93 gasal odd
94 gasang lecherous person
95 gasar fierce and rough
96 gasing a top
97 gatal-gatal itching all over
98 gatal (1) itchy (2) lewd (of person)
99 gaul mix (in society); associate
100 gaung (1) deep ravine (2) echo
101 gawal confused; mistaken
102 gawang waving with both arms
103 gaya hidup lifestyle
104 gaya style; manner
105 gayat feeling dizzy looking down from a high place
106 gayung water dipper
107 gayut hang
108 gebar blanket
109 gebu soft; delicate in texture; fluffy
110 gecar (1) saliva (2) watery
111 gedabir dewlap
112 gedang huge; massive
113 gedempol fat
114 gedempong very fat
115 gedoboh big and loose
116 gedung storehouse; office; large building
117 gegabah wildly impulsive (person)
118 gegak-gempita noisy; clamorous
119 gegak noisy
120 gegancu sprocket
121 gegap noisy
122 gegar jarring; jolting; shaking
123 gegaran jarring movement
124 gegas hurry
125 gegat worm that lives in books
126 gegua cavern
127 gejala symptom or sign
128 gejolak big flame
129 gelabir dewlap; wattle
130 geladak (1) deck of ship (2) stray dog (3) crook; criminal
131 gelagat indication; habits
132 gelak ketawa laughter
133 gelak laugh
134 gelambir dewlap
135 gelang-gelang ring-shaped objects
136 gelang bangle
137 gelanggang arena; court
138 gelangsar slide; glide; slip
139 gelap hati sinister
140 gelap pekat dark
141 gelap-gelita pitch dark
142 gelap dark; secret
143 gelar nickname
144 gelaran alias; title
145 gelatuk tremble
146 gelebar flapping
147 gelebat double blade paddle
148 gelecah slip
149 gelecek slip; lose one's balance
150 geledah search; ransack
151 geledak cur
152 geledang stretch out both arms
153 geleding warp
154 gelegak boil; seethe
155 gelegar girder
156 gelegata a skin condition; urticaria
157 gelek (1) a kind of dance (2) roll over
158 gelekak peel off
159 gelekek chuckle
160 gelema phlegm
161 geleman scared; afraid
162 gelembung-gelembungan bubbles
163 gelembung bubble
164 gelempang sprawling
165 gelendong spindle
166 geleng shake the head
167 gelentang roll over and over
168 gelepai dangling
169 gelepar flounder; flutter
170 gelepik dangling; hanging down limply
171 gelepur leaping up flapping its wings
172 gelesek rub
173 geleser flap the wings; start turning (of wheels)
174 geletar tremble; shiver
175 geletek tickle; incite
176 geletuk making a sound like the teeth chattering
177 geli hati amused; tickled
178 geli-geman tickled
179 geli amused; ticklish
180 geliang-geliut wriggling
181 geliat stretch oneself
182 geliga (1) sharp-witted; ingenious (2) bezoar
183 gelimpang sprawl
184 gelimun covered (with blanket)
185 gelincat sprained; rebound
186 gelincir derail; slip; skid
187 gelincuh stumble
188 gelinjang jump about
189 gelintar search all over
190 gelintir pellet; pill
191 gelisah nervous; restless; anxious; jumpy
192 gelobor too long or baggy (for clothes)
193 gelodak arouse
194 gelupur flutter
195 gema echo
196 gemal a handful; a bunch
197 gemala bezoar stone
198 gemalai swaying
199 gemam to hold (sweet) in mouth
200 gemap shocked
201 gemar have a liking; desire
202 gemawan fleeting of clouds
203 gembala kambing goat-herd
204 gembala shepherd
205 gembar-gembur mere talk; bragging; pandemonium
206 gembereng cymbal
207 gembira happy; pleased; cheerful
208 gembleng unite
209 gembung swollen
210 gembur loose
211 gementar tremble
212 gemercik splattering sound
213 gemerencang loud clash (e.g. of cymbals)
214 gemerlap iridescent; shining; glittering; shimmering
215 gemerlapan shining; glittering
216 gemilang glorious; magnificient; brilliant
217 gempa tremor; earthquake
218 gempal sturdy; chubby; plump
219 gempar pandemonium; uproar
220 gempita noisy
221 gempur attack in a blitz
222 gemuk fat
223 gemuruh thunder
224 genahar crater
225 genang suffuse
226 genap complete; even
227 gencat cease; stop; discontinue
228 gencatan senjata ceasefire
229 gendak mistress
230 gendala obstacle; disruption
231 gendang drum
232 genderang big drum
233 genggam grasp in the fist
234 genggaman a grasp
235 genggang apart
236 genit cute and petite
237 genjang (1 )parallelogram (2) askew; awry
238 genjot askew; awry
239 genjur stiff
240 genta large bell
241 gentar (1) vibration (2) afraid
242 gentas (1) severed (2) end or finish
243 gentat dented
244 gentel pellet
245 gentian fibre
246 genting bukit mountain pass
247 genting (1) crucial; decisive (2) pass or gap in mountains (3) roof tile
248 genyeh rub
249 gera alarm; scare; frighten
250 gerabak railway coach
251 geragai hook for catching crocodiles
252 geragas comb one's hair in anger
253 geragau a small shrimp
254 geraham molar
255 gerai stall
256 gerak hati intuition
257 gerak laku behaviour
258 gerak-geri movements
259 gerak move
260 gerakan action; movement
261 geram angry
262 gerangan perhaps
263 gerantang din of voices; outburst of noise
264 gerat causing teeth to chatter
265 gerbang gateway
266 gerecak sound like water boiling
267 gereja church
268 gerek perforated
269 gerenyam lustful
270 gerenyut squirm; throb
271 gergaji saw
272 gergasi giant
273 gerhana eclipse
274 geriak swarm
275 gericau screeching sound
276 geridip glitter; sparkle
277 gerigi serrated
278 gerigis unevenly serrated
279 gerimis drizzle
280 gerimit a drill
281 gering sick (for king)
282 gerinjam (1) grindstone for teeth (2) ear scoop
283 gerlap sparkle
284 gerlip twinkle
285 germut swarm
286 gerobak coach or cart
287 gerobok cupboard
288 gerodak rattling sound
289 geromboi group together
290 geromboian group or gang
291 gerombong group or party
292 geronggang hollow
293 geronyot throbbing
294 gersang dry; uninteresting; dull
295 gertak threat
296 gertakan intimidation; threat
297 gerudi a drill
298 gerugut grooved
299 geruh misfortune
300 geruk to wrap
301 gerun frightened; terrified
302 gerutu rough to the touch
303 gesa hurry
304 gesaan urge
305 gesek grate or scrape
306 gesekan a fiddle
307 gesel rub
308 geselan a rub
309 geser rub; shift
310 geseran friction
311 getah rubber
312 getap grit
313 getar tremble; vibrate
314 getaran vibration
315 getas brittle; sensitive
316 getil pinch
317 getir bitter
318 ghaib disappear; vanish; mysterious
319 ghairah strong desire or passion
320 Ghalib usual
321 giat energetic; active
322 gigi air edge of water meeting land
323 gigi kacip incisor
324 gigi rongak gap between teeth
325 gigi tooth
326 gigih determined; obstinate
327 gigil tremble or shiver
328 gigit bite
329 gigitan act of biting; a bite
330 gila angau infatuated
331 gila bayang crazy about someone
332 gila pangkat crazy for power
333 gila mad; insane
334 gilang-gemilang bright; glittering
335 gilap shine brilliantly
336 gilas crush; run over
337 giling grind; roll
338 gilir take turns
339 giliran a turn
340 gilis run over by a train
341 gincu lipstick
342 ginjal kidney
343 girang glad; cheerful
344 giring to herd
345 glossy sparkling; glittering
346 glur voluptuous
347 gobek tool for crushing betel leaf, areca nut, etc
348 gocoh haste; hurry
349 goda temptation
350 godaan temptation; lure; enticement
351 godam large mace
352 godok base of skull
353 gogok a gulp
354 golak disturbed or confused
355 golek roll
356 golok machete
357 golong classify
358 golongan group
359 gomol wrestle
360 goncang shake
361 gondok (1)short and fat (2)goitre
362 gondol (1)bald; leafless (2)carry off; win
363 gonggong carry in the mouth
364 gonyeh munch
365 gonyoh scrub
366 gopoh-gapah hastily
367 goreng fry; fried
368 gores scratch
369 goresan scratches
370 gosok brush; rub; polish
371 gosokan something that has been ironed
372 gotong-royong cooperation
373 goyah loose (not firm)
374 goyang unsteady; shaky
375 gua cave
376 guam
377 guaman disagreement; conflict; quarrel
378 gubah arrange; compose
379 gubahan (1) composition (2) garland
380 gubal draft (legislation)
381 gubuk hut
382 gudang godown; warehouse
383 gugat accuse; claim; criticise
384 gugup panicky
385 gugur drop; miscarry; abort
386 gugus bundle or bunch
387 gugusan group
388 gula-gula sweets
389 gula sugar
390 gulai curry
391 guli marble
392 guling roll
393 gulung roll
394 gulungan a roll
395 gumpal clod; lump
396 gumpalan a clod; a lump of; conglomeration
397 guna tenaga employment
398 guna-guna charms
399 guna use; purpose
400 gundah depressed
401 gundik concubine
402 Guni jute bag or sack
403 gunting scissors; shears
404 guntur thunder
405 gunung berapi volcano
406 gunung-ganang mountains
407 gunung mountain
408 gurau joke
409 gurauan the butt of a joke
410 gurindam a proverbial verse
411 guru teacher
412 guruh-gemuruh thunderous
413 guruh thunder
414 gurun desert
415 gus simultaneously
416 gusar angry; worried
417 gusi gum (dental)
418 gusti wrestle
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