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Kata Awalan C Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan C Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 cik Miss
2 Cina Chinese
3 cabai chilli
4 cabang branch
5 cabar challenge
6 cabaran a challenge
7 cabik tattered; ragged; torn
8 cabul indecent; disgusting
9 cabut lari to leave immediately
10 cabut (1) to pull out (2) to flee
11 cabutan a draw (as in a lottery)
12 cacah tattoo
13 cacak upright or erect (for pole)
14 cacar smallpox
15 cacat akal mentally retarded
16 cacat defective; handicapped; deformed
17 caci scorn; abuse
18 cacian an abusive remark
19 cacing kerawit pin-worm
20 cacing worm
21 cadang intend
22 cadangan proposal; suggestion
23 cadar bedsheet
24 caduk lift up (e.g. snake's head about to strike)
25 cagar deposit; mortgage
26 cagaran a deposit
27 cagut peck or eat with beak
28 cahaya light; radiance
29 cair liquid
30 cairan solution; dilution
31 cakah obtuse; blunt
32 cakap talk; speak
33 cakar (1) a claw (2) claw or scratch
34 cakera padat compact disc
35 Cakera wheel; disc
36 cakup catch something by using hand or mouth
37 calar-balar badly scratched
38 calar abrasion; scratch
39 calit smear or smudge
40 calitkan to smear with
41 calon candidate
42 calung dipper; ladle; cup for collecting latex
43 cam recognise; identify
44 camar seagull
45 cambah burgeon; begin to grow rapidly
46 camca spoon
47 campak (1) throw; fling; hurl (2) measles
48 campur tangan interfere
49 campur mix
50 campuran mixture; combination
51 canai grind; polish
52 canang gong
53 candat grapnel
54 candu opium
55 cangak look up
56 canggah (1) fork (2) dissent
57 canggih (1) sophisticated (2) excessively talkative
58 canggung gauche; awkward; clumsy
59 cangkat hillock
60 cangkir small cup
61 cangkuk hook
62 cangkul hoe
63 cangkung squat
64 cantas to prune, trim or lop
65 cantik beautiful
66 cantum coalesce; join together; come together
67 cap jari fingerprint
68 cap mohor royal or official seal
69 cap stamp; print; trade mark
70 capai achieve; attain; accomplish
71 capal sandals
72 capik lame; limping
73 cara way; means; method
74 cari search
75 carigali exploration
76 carik tear or rip
77 carta chart; map; table; diagram
78 caruk gorge; eat greedily
79 carum fee; subscription
80 caruman fee; subscription
81 carut obscenity
82 cas electrical charge
83 cat paint
84 catat note down; jot down
85 catatan a note
86 catu ration
87 catuan a ration; a fixed allowance
88 catuk peck with beak
89 catur chess
90 catut pincers
91 cauk dimple
92 cawak dimple
93 cawan cup
94 cawangan branch (e.g. of office)
95 cawat loincloth
96 cebik pout; jeer; mock
97 cebis bit; piece
98 cebisan a small piece or quantity
99 cebok (1) water dipper (2) wash up after defaecating or urinating
100 cebur plunge
101 cecah dip lightly
102 cecair liquid
103 ceceh bleat
104 cecekik noose
105 cedera injure
106 cedok scoop up
107 cegah deter; prevent
108 cegat stand erect or upright
109 cekah to crack or split
110 cekak amount one can hold with thumb and finger
111 cekal hati stout-hearted; steadfast
112 cekal resolute; firm; determined
113 cekang stiff; taut; tight
114 cekap efficient; proficient; competent
115 cekau clutch at; grasp at
116 cekerawala universe; firmament
117 cekik choke; strangle
118 cekuh hold with the hand
119 cekung concave
120 cekup cover or catch something with the palm
121 cela fault; blame; flaw; misdeed
122 celaan
123 celah interspace; slit; crevice; cleft
124 celak eye-liner
125 celaka fatal; fateful; inauspicious; damn
126 celana trousers
127 celapak straddle
128 celaru disorganised; disorderly
129 celepa metal containers for cigarettes, tobacco, etc
130 celik open (eyes); wake up
131 celopar talkative; out-spoken; very frank
132 celoteh chat
133 celungap eat greedily
134 celup dip in liquid; dye
135 celur immerse in boiling water; scald
136 celus penetrate or slip in
137 cemar contaminated; impure; polluted
138 cemara wig; artificial hair
139 cemas dreaded; frightened; worried; desperate
140 cembul container; receptacle
141 cembung convex
142 cemburu jealous
143 cencaluk prawn pickle
144 cencang chop or mince
145 cencorot musk-shrew or shrew-mouse
146 cendana sandalwood
147 cendawan mushroom
148 cendekia intellectual; learned
149 cendekiawan an intellectual
150 cendera (1) moon (2) deity
151 cenderamata souvenir
152 cenderawasih bird of paradise
153 cenderung inclined or sloping
154 cendol a drink made of jelly-like strands of dough and coconut milk
155 cengang amaze
156 cengkadak praying mantis
157 cengkam grasp or clutch tightly
158 cengkaman grasp; grip; clutch; stranglehold
159 cengkeram deposit
160 cengkerama amuse
161 cengkerik cricket or cicada (insect)
162 cengkih clove (spice)
163 cengkung sunken or hollow (of eyes or cheeks)
164 cenuram cliff
165 cepat quick; fast; early
166 cepiau hat with strings that tie under the chin; bonnet
167 cepoa abacus
168 cepoh club-footed
169 cepu small ornamental casket
170 cepudebunga anther
171 cepumas jackpot
172 cerakin to analyse
173 ceramah a lecture or talk
174 cerana metal box
175 cerang moor
176 cerat nozzle
177 cerca scorn; insult
178 cerdas apt; intelligent
179 cerdik bright; clever; intelligent
180 cerek kettle
181 cereka story; fiction
182 cerewet fussy; fastidious
183 cergas energetic; alert; full of initiative
184 cerita story
185 cermat careful; cautious; thrifty
186 cermin mata spectacles
187 cermin mirror
188 cerminan reflection
189 cerna digest
190 ceroboh (1) trespass; gatecrash; intrude (2) graceless
191 cerobong ship's funnel; chimney
192 cerompong muzzle (of firearm)
193 cerpelai mongoose
194 cerpen short story
195 cerpenis short story writer
196 cerucuk pile driven into the ground
197 cerucup love-grass
198 ceruh to pound (rice)
199 ceruk nook; corner
200 cerun steep slope (at edge of plateau)
201 cerut (1) cheroot (2) to tie tightly; to strangle with rope
202 cerutu cigar
203 cetai tattered
204 cetak rompak piracy (in printing)
205 cetak print
206 cetakan edition; print (noun)
207 cetek shallow
208 ceti money lender
209 cetus outburst (of feeling); outbreak
210 cetusan outburst; outbreak
211 cicak lizard
212 cicir drop or fall out
213 cicit great grandchild
214 cikgu teacher
215 ciku sapodilla (fruit)
216 cincin ring
217 cinta love
218 cipan (1) battle-axe (2) tapir
219 cipta create; invent
220 ciptaan creation
221 ciri characteristic
222 cirit-birit diarrhoea
223 cita-cita ambition
224 citarasa taste; flavour
225 cium (1) kiss (2) smell
226 ciuman (1) a kiss (2) a sniff; a smell
227 cocok suitable; agreeable; compatible
228 cogan kata slogan; motto
229 cogan ensign
230 coklat brown; chocolate
231 cokmar ceremonial mace
232 colek a bit
233 coli brassiere
234 colok joss-stick
235 comel cute
236 comot dirty; grubby
237 compang-camping in rags or tatters (clothes)
238 condong incline; slant
239 congak count mentally
240 congkak conceited; proud
241 conteng doodle
242 contoh example; sample; model
243 copet pickpocket
244 corak design; pattern; colour
245 corat-coret sketch; scrawl
246 corek scratch
247 coreng-moreng full of streaks and scratches
248 coreng scratch or streak
249 coret scribble or scrawl
250 corong funnel; chimney; microphone
251 corot hindmost
252 cota baton
253 cuaca weather; climate
254 cuai careless; negligent
255 cuak afraid; nervous
256 cuba try; attempt
257 cubaan an attempt; an experiment
258 cubit pinch
259 cubitan a pinch
260 cuci (1)wash (2)develop (a film)
261 cucian laundry or washing
262 cucu-cicit grandchild and great grandchild
263 cucu grandchild
264 cucuh ignite
265 cucuk prick; inject; pierce
266 cucunda grandchild
267 cucur flow; trickle; sprinkle
268 cuit beckon with finger
269 cuka getah formic acid
270 cuka vinegar
271 cukai kepala levy
272 cukai pendapatan income tax
273 cukai pintu assessment
274 cukai tanah quit rent
275 cukai tax
276 cukup bulan end of the month
277 cukup letih exhausted
278 cukup umur having reached the required age
279 cukup enough; exactly
280 cukur shave
281 cula horn of rhinoceros
282 culas lazy
283 culik kidnap
284 cuma only; merely
285 cumbu praise; flatter; caress; kiss
286 cumbuan smooch; flattery; caress; kiss
287 cungap pant
288 cungkil pick; dig out; extract
289 cupak a cubic measure
290 cuping ear-lobe
291 curah pour
292 curahan downpour; outpour
293 curam steep
294 curang insincere; disloyal; dishonest
295 curi steal
296 curiga suspicious; questionable
297 curut cigar; cheroot
298 cuti am public holiday
299 cuti leave; holiday; vacation
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