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Kata Awalan I Menurut Kamus Inggris Indonesia

Index Kamus Inggris Indonesia
Kata Awalan I Menurut Kamus Inggris Indonesia
No Kata Arti
1 I kg. saya, aku, gua. I am sick Saya sakit. It`s I Saya.
2 ia
3 iambus
4 ibidem
5 id
6 idiot
7 interpreter
8 ion kb. ion.
9 item kb. 1 barang, artikel. 2 hal, soal. 3 (news) berita. 4 pokok. 5 nomor.
10 Ivory kb. (j. -ries) gading. i. task taring gading. I. Coast Panitia Gading. -ivories j. Sl.: tuts-tuts, mata piano.
11 Ivy kb. semacam tumbuhan menjalar. I. League lembaga/organisasi atletik daripada delapan buah universitas di bagian timur-laut A.S.
12 In
13 Italian kb., ks. 1 orang Itali. 2 bahasa Itali. I. accent logat Itali.
14 Ice
15 Interest
16 ingot
17 Italia Italia
18 image
19 international
20 I. [Island(s) ] pulau, kepulauan.
21 IBM
22 ibis
23 ism kb. aliran.
24 I'd
25 I'll be home
26 I'll find out
27 I'll
28 I'm sorry
29 I'm sure
30 I'm
31 I've been aku telah
32 I've aku mempunyai
33 I am but aku hanyalah
34 I am sure aku merasa pasti
35 I am wonderful aku bahagia
36 I beg your pardon maafkan aku
37 I don't mind aku tidak keberatan
38 I feel honored aku merasa terhormat
39 I glue you my all regards salam hangat buat anda
40 I have the honor aku mendapat kehormatan
41 I like either aku suka yang manapun
42 I myself aku sendiri
43 I owe you aku berhutang pada anda
44 I shall find you one day aku akan ketemu anda pada suatu hari
45 I was myself aku sendiri
46 I-armature
47 I-beam
48 I-iron
49 I-steel baja-I
50 I/O device sarana I/O
51 I/O port port I/O
52 I/O I/O
53 Inc.
54 International Business Machine
55 International Civil Aviation Organization
56 International Gravity Formula
57 International Labour Organization
58 International Monetary Fund
59 Ising model model Ising
60 It's never to late to mend tak pernah terlambat untuk memberbaiki diri
61 It's not Adalah bukan
62 It's say konon
63 Ives and Stilwell experiment percobaan Ives dan Stilwell
64 Ivory Coast Pantai Gading
65 Iyre lira
66 Iyric lirik
67 Iysol zat pembasmi kuman
68 i: toga toga Oubah
69 i,i kb. huruf yang kesembilan dari abjad Inggris.
70 i.d. 1[Intelligence Division] Bagian Intelijen. 2 [identity] identitas. I.D. cord surat keterangan diri, kartu pengenal.
71 i.e. [id est] yaitu, yakni.
72 i.e yaitu
73 i.o.u., iou [I Owe You] kb. tanda terima hutang/pinjaman.
74 i.o.u. surat pengakuan hutang
75 i.r. [Internal Revenue] Kantor Pajak.
76 i.r.s. [Internal Revenue Service] Dinas Perpajakan.
77 i`d 1 [ I had] saya telah. 2 [ I would] saya akan.
78 i`ll [1 I shall 2 I will] saya akan.
79 i`m [I am] saya adalah.
80 i`ve [I have] lih HAVE.
81 iambic
82 ibex
83 ibid.
84 ibu tonk
85 icbm
86 icc, i.c.c.
87 ice age
88 ice axe
89 ice bag
90 ice bath
91 ice boat
92 ice breaker
93 ice cold
94 ice condenser
95 ice cream
96 ice cube
97 ice floe
98 ice formation
99 ice hockey
100 ice juice
101 ice machine
102 ice milk
103 ice modification
104 ice pack
105 ice pick
106 ice plant
107 ice point
108 ice rink
109 ice show
110 ice skate
111 ice tea
112 ice tray
113 ice up
114 ice wall
115 id(a).
116 ideal fluid
117 ideal gas entropy
118 ideal gas thermodynamic potential
119 ideal pump
120 idolater
121 if I only had
122 if I were to
123 if a day
124 if a yard
125 if any
126 if anything
127 if circumstances permit
128 if ever
129 if it come's to the pinch
130 if it does
131 if it is so
132 if it were a
133 if need be
134 if only
135 if so
136 if that
137 if the cap fits
138 if the fit takes me
139 if they are to work
140 if they judged it appropriate
141 if they were present
142 if we
143 if you are agree able
144 if you had only
145 if you please
146 if
147 ifrequently
148 ill advised
149 ill at ease
150 ill bred
151 ill fated
152 ill fitted
153 ill founded
154 ill
155 illegal
156 illude
157 iluming
158 image charge
159 image converter
160 image focus
161 image height
162 image length
163 image plane
164 image resolution
165 image source
166 image space
167 image surface
168 imagery
169 imaginary axis
170 imbui
171 immeasurable
172 immediate model
173 immediately before the end of
174 immerse
175 immersion lens
176 immigration service
177 impedance diagram
178 impedance-translation theorem
179 imperilling
180 impermanence
181 implant
182 implanted
183 implanting
184 implementor
185 implicit in
186 imponderability
187 import regulation
188 impoverishing
189 impractical
190 impractically
191 imprecision
192 impressionable
193 impure acceptor
194 impurity conductivity
195 impurity semiconductor
196 in a bad humour
197 in a bad temper
198 in a bad way
199 in a bind
200 in a blaze
201 in a body
202 in a breeze
203 in a brown study
204 in a calendar month
205 in a certain order
206 in a chance
207 in a cleft stick
208 in a controlled way
209 in a couple of days
210 in a crack
211 in a cruel way
212 in a decay
213 in a degree
214 in a dilemma
215 in a fair way
216 in a fashion
217 in a few
218 in a fine condition
219 in a fix
220 in a flash
221 in a fog
222 in a form to
223 in a general way
224 in a good light
225 in a great measure
226 in a healthy society
227 in a hole
228 in a hurry
229 in a jam
230 in a jiffy
231 in a legal form
232 in a letter to
233 in a life like way
234 in a little time
235 in a little while
236 in a loud voice
237 in a low voice
238 in a maze
239 in a measure
240 in a minor key
241 in a minute
242 in a moment
243 in a mood for
244 in a muddle
245 in a new way
246 in a nice pickle
247 in a nuts shell
248 in a nutshell
249 in a passion
250 in a person's stead
251 in a pickle
252 in a pinch
253 in a position
254 in a quandary
255 in a series
256 in a way that
257 in aid of
258 in all the
259 in case
260 in cases where
261 in check
262 in concern
263 in conclusion
264 in conjunction with
265 in contradiction to
266 in contrast to
267 in control
268 in default of
269 in evidence
270 in fine feather
271 in first of
272 in great need of
273 in just a little time
274 in just a little while
275 in making this
276 in mortal physical pain
277 in out
278 in principle
279 in series
280 in the Pacific
281 in the centre
282 in the interim
283 in the middle of the table
284 in the middle of this century
285 in the midst of
286 in the nick of time
287 in the night time
288 in the night
289 in the normal manner
290 in the normal way
291 in the objection
292 in the of the
293 in the opinion of
294 in the past years
295 in the past
296 in the pay of
297 in the person of
298 in the pink
299 in the pipe line
300 in the place of
301 in the presence of
302 in the process of
303 in the rain
304 in the range of
305 in the raw
306 in the red
307 in the respect of
308 in the right environment
309 in the right form
310 in the right perspective
311 in the right place at the right time
312 in the running
313 in the same boat
314 in the same direction
315 in the same way as
316 in the same way
317 in the sequel
318 in the seventh heaven
319 in the short future
320 in the short run
321 in the short term
322 in the sky
323 in the some breath
324 in the street
325 in the sun
326 in the teeth of
327 in the theatre of
328 in the thick of
329 in the uniform of
330 in the up direction
331 in the very beginning
332 in the wake of
333 in the way of
334 in the works
335 in the world of
336 in the world
337 in the wrong department
338 in the wrong perspective
339 in the wrong side
340 in the year of graces
341 in their commercial or financial relations
342 in their hearts
343 in them
344 in this book
345 in this case
346 in this day and age
347 in this issue
348 in this matter
349 in this or in the age to come
350 in this part of
351 in this quarter
352 in this regard
353 in this respect
354 in this sense
355 in this way
356 in those days
357 in those
358 in thought
359 in throngs
360 in time
361 in token of
362 in total
363 in toto
364 in tune with
365 in working this way
366 in-type section tampang jenis-h
367 inane
368 inc., inc.
369 incalculable
370 incancerate
371 incancerated
372 incancerating
373 incanceration
374 incandesce
375 incandescence
376 incandescent gas lamp
377 incandescent gas light
378 incandescent lamp
379 incandescent mantle
380 incandescent spirit light
381 incandescent
382 incantation
383 incapability
384 incapable of
385 incapable
386 incapacitate
387 incapacitated
388 incapacitating
389 incapacitation
390 incapacity
391 incarcerate
392 incarceration
393 incarnate
394 incarnated
395 incarnating
396 incarnation
397 incase
398 incasement
399 incasso
400 incautious
401 incautiously
402 incautiousness
403 incedulously
404 incence
405 incendarism
406 incendiarism
407 incendiary shell
408 incendiary
409 incense
410 incensed
411 incensing
412 incentif bonus
413 incentification
414 incentified
415 incentify
416 incentive motivation
417 incentive payment
418 incentive programme
419 incentive rate
420 incentive
421 inception
422 inceptively
423 incertitude
424 incessance
425 incessant
426 incessantly
427 incestuous
428 inch by inch
429 inch
430 inchief
431 inchoate
432 incide
433 incognito
434 incoherent cross section
435 income principle
436 incompetent
437 incompressible fluid
438 inconstant
439 inconveniently
440 increased capacity utilization
441 incumbency
442 indefinite integral
443 indelible pencil
444 indemnity principle
445 indempotene operator
446 independent enterprises
447 indeterminary principle
448 index number
449 indigent
450 indirect worker
451 indirect-acting engine
452 individual particle model
453 indoor-aerial
454 induced emission
455 induction acceleration
456 induction-current
457 inductor alternator
458 industrial advertising
459 industrial relations
460 industrial village
461 inebriate
462 inebriated
463 inebriating
464 inebriation
465 inedible
466 ineducable
467 ineffable
468 ineffective time
469 ineffective
470 ineffectively
471 ineffectiveness
472 ineffectual
473 ineffectually
474 inefficiency
475 inefficient
476 inefficiently
477 inelastic collision
478 inelastic cross-section
479 inelastic scattering cross section
480 inelastic scattering of neutrons
481 inelastic scattering
482 inelastic
483 inelasticity
484 inelegance
485 inelegant
486 inelegantly
487 ineligibility
488 ineligible
489 inept
490 ineptitude
491 ineptly
492 ineptness
493 inequality of Clausius
494 inequality
495 inequilateral
496 inequilibrium
497 inequitable
498 inequitably
499 inequity
500 ineradicable
501 inert gas crystal
502 inert gas structure
503 inert gas
504 inert
505 inertia coefficients
506 inertia curve
507 inertia governor
508 inertia of energy
509 inertia period
510 inertia resistance
511 inertia tensor
512 inertia-force
513 inertia
514 inertial effect
515 inertial force
516 inertial frame of reference
517 inertial frame
518 inertial mass
519 inertial system
520 inertial systems of reference
521 inexactitude
522 infertile
523 inffared spectrum
524 infinitesimal change operator
525 infinitesimal interaction
526 infinitesimal time evolution operator
527 infirm
528 infirmary
529 inflection-tangent-intersection method
530 information centre
531 infra-red light emission
532 infrared absorption spectrum
533 infrared spectroscopy
534 infrared spectrum
535 infrasonic
536 infusibility
537 ingathering
538 ingenious
539 ingeniously
540 ingenue
541 ingenuity
542 ingenuous
543 ingenuously
544 ingenuousness
545 ingest
546 ingested
547 ingesting
548 ingestion
549 inglorious
550 ingoing wave
551 ingoing
552 ingot iron
553 ingot steel
554 ingraft
555 ingrafted
556 ingrafting
557 ingrain
558 ingrained
559 ingraining
560 ingrate
561 ingratiate
562 ingratiated
563 ingratiating
564 ingratitude
565 ingredient
566 ingrowing
567 ingrown
568 ingshoek
569 inhale
570 inherence
571 inhomogeneous wave equations
572 inhomogenous mediumz
573 inimical
574 inimitable
575 inimitably
576 iniquitous
577 iniquity
578 inishing goods
579 initial charge
580 initial condition
581 initial conservation ratio
582 initial contact
583 initial grasp
584 initial letter
585 initial name
586 initial permeability
587 initial position
588 initial pressure line
589 initial pressure
590 initial velocity
591 initial-pressure
592 initial-value problem
593 initial-value
594 initial-velocity
595 initial-voltage
596 initial
597 initialed
598 initialing
599 initially
600 initialpressure
601 initials
602 initiate
603 initiated
604 initiating
605 initiation
606 initiative
607 initiatively
608 initiator
609 inlet area
610 inlet bush
611 inlet channel
612 inlet edge
613 inlet fitting
614 inlet of cooling water
615 inlet pipe for circulating water
616 inlet pipe
617 inlet port
618 inlet silencer
619 inlet tube
620 inlet velocity
621 inlet-angle
622 inlet-cock
623 inlet-insulator
624 inlet-port
625 inlet-valve
626 inlet
627 inner dead centre
628 inoculating
629 insecurely
630 inseminate
631 insisting
632 inspired
633 instantaneous Hamiltonian
634 instigated
635 intake-work
636 intemationalization
637 intensified
638 intensify radioactivity
639 intensity level
640 inter-island trade
641 interacting fields Hamiltonian
642 interaction analysis
643 interaction energy
644 interaction hamiltonian
645 interaction picture
646 interaction
647 interatomic bonding
648 interchangeable lens
649 intercrossing
650 interdenominational
651 interdigital capacitor
652 interesting TV programme
653 interface structure
654 interference of waves
655 intering
656 intermediate representation
657 intermediate vector boson
658 intermediatory
659 interment
660 intermission
661 intermolecular interaction
662 internal feeling
663 international agency
664 international agreement
665 international association
666 international candle
667 international civil law
668 international company
669 international contractor
670 international convention
671 international court of justice
672 international currency
673 international economy
674 international flight
675 international gateway
676 international investment
677 international issue
678 international jamboree
679 international law
680 international liability
681 international maritime zone
682 international marketing
683 international migration
684 international monetery fund
685 international news
686 international organization
687 international private law
688 international review
689 international security council
690 international system
691 international zone
692 interplanetary
693 interruption
694 intersection
695 intolerantly
696 intralocal migration
697 intrarural migration
698 intrinsic conductivity
699 intrinsic electrical conductivity
700 intrinsic photoemission
701 intrinsic semiconductor
702 intrinsic tracer
703 introspektive ks. mawas diri, suka introspeksi.
704 inuentory section seksi inventaris
705 invaded zone zone susupan
706 invariance of Maxwell equations invarians persamaan Maxwell
707 invariance of a tensor equations invarians persamaan tensor
708 invariance principle prinsip invarians
709 invariant equations persamaan invarian
710 inveighed mencaci maki
711 inverse electron-capture decay pererasan tangkapan elektron balikan
712 inversion image santir balikan
713 inversion spectrum spektrum pembalikan
714 inverted image santir kalak
715 inviscid fluid zalir encer
716 invisible spectrum spektrum tak tampak
717 ion acoustic shock wave gelombang kejut akustik ion
718 ion beam deposition endapanberkas ion
719 ion beam elemental sensitivity kepekaan keunsuran berkas ion
720 ion beam instrumentation instrumentasi berkas ion
721 ion collector pengumpul ion
722 ion cyclotron heating pemanasan siklotron ion
723 ion efficiency efisiensi ion
724 ion etching pemunaran ion
725 ion exchanger penukar ion
726 ion gauge tolok ion
727 ion implantation penanaman ion
728 ion microprobe mikrokuar ion
729 ion pair pasangan ion
730 ion plasma frequency frekuensi pengionan plasma
731 ion plating-film saput-sepuh ion
732 ion potential potensial ion
733 ion repeller penghalau ion
734 ion scattering spectrometry spektrometri hamburan ion
735 ion sound speed laju suara ion
736 ion sputtering pembersitan ion
737 ion-atom collision benturan ion atom
738 ion-current arus ion
739 ion-rectifier pesawat perata-arus ion
740 ion-sorption pump pompa crap-ion
741 ionic cleaning pembersihan ion
742 ionic compound senyawa ionik
743 ionic conduction hantaran ionik
744 ionic conductivity keterhantaran ionik
745 ionic crystal conduct~vity keterhantaran hablur ionik
746 ionic crystal kristal ionik
747 ionic crystals reflectivity keterpantulan hablur ion
748 ionic current arus ion
749 ionic equilibrium keseimbangan ion
750 ionic mobility kelincahan ionik
751 ionic parameter parameter ion
752 ionic radius ruji ion
753 ionic semiconductor semipenghantar ionik
754 ionic solid zadat ionik
755 ionic ks. ionis.
756 ionium ionium
757 ionization chamber kamar pengionan
758 ionization counter alat-cacah pengionan
759 ionization courter alat-cacah pengionan
760 ionization cross section tampang-lintang pengionan
761 ionization current arus ionisasi
762 ionization detector detektor pengionan
763 ionization energy loss rerugi tenaga pengionan
764 ionization energy energi ionisasi
765 ionization gauge tolok pengionan
766 ionization percentage persentase pengionan
767 ionization potential tegangan ionisasi
768 ionization-chamber kamar ionisasi
769 ionization-manometer manometer ionisasi
770 ionization kb. ionisasi.
771 ionize kkt., kki. mengalami ionisasi, terurai menjadi ion.
772 ionizing energy tenagapengionan
773 ionizing particle zarah pengion
774 ionizing radiation radiasi pengion
775 ionizing mengionisasi
776 iron frame bingkai best
777 iron ore bijih besi
778 iron-content kadar besi
779 iron-ore bijih besi
780 ironic ironis
781 irradiation channel salur iradiasi
782 irreducible operator tenso operator tensor taktereduksikan
783 irreducible representation wakilan taktereduksikan
784 irreversibility ketakterbalikan
785 irritate kkt. mengganggu, mendongkol(kan), menjengkelkan. His gestures i. me Gerak-geriknya mengganggu saya. -irritating ks. 1 menjengkelkan, mengganggu, membuat perih. 2 memedihkan. i. to the eyes memedihkan
786 irritation kb. 1 kejengkelan. source of i. hal yang membuat orang marah/jengkel, sumber kejengkelan. 2 gangguan. i. of the membranes gangguan pada selaput-selaput. nervous i. gangguan (urat) saraf.
787 irrotational fluid motion gerakan zalir takberolak
788 irrotational bebas pusaran
789 is. [island, isle] pulau.
790 isoaxial isoaksial
791 isospin operator operasi isospin
792 isostatic compensation pampasan isostatik
793 isotopic spin formalism notation notasi rumusan spin isotopik
794 isotopic spin formalism rumusan spin isotopik
795 isotopic spin projection operators pengandar pemroyeksi spin isotopik
796 isotropic fluid zalir isotrop
797 isovector isovektor
798 isovelocity surfaces permukaansama-kecepatan
799 isth. [isthmus] genting tanah.
800 isthmus kra tanah genting kra
801 isthmus kb. genting tanah. the Kra I. genting tanah Kra.
802 istinerary kb. (j. -ries) rencana perjalanan.
803 it's anybody's guess tak seorangpun yakin
804 it's lacking adalah suatu kekurangan
805 it's like itu adalah seperti
806 it's simply this sederhananya seperti ini
807 it's time for tiba waktunya untuk
808 it(al). [Italy] Itali(a). 2 [Italian) orang Itali , bahasa Itali.
809 it allows us to ini memugkinkan kita untuk
810 it became him halnya menjadi nyata
811 it can be made dapat dilakukan
812 it could be bisa jadi
813 it did not [ia] tidak
814 it did [ia/nya]
815 it does not often tidak sering
816 it does not seem that tidaklah nyata bahwa
817 it does work itu bisa berjalan
818 it doesn't matter which yang mana pun boleh
819 it doesn't matter tidak jadi soal
820 it follows on that selanjutnya
821 it is a shame for memalukan bagi
822 it is a [ini] merupakan suatu
823 it is all too easy ini semua terlalu mudah
824 it is almost certain that hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa
825 it is also good for you baik juga bagi anda
826 it is also important to adalah penting juga untuk
827 it is also ini juga
828 it is always adalah selalu
829 it is likely kemungkinan
830 it matters but little hampir tanpa arti
831 it was not until much later tidak harus menunggu lama
832 it would be possible to adalah mungkin
833 it kb. Sl.: daya seks. -kg. 1 dia, ia. 2 -nya. 3 itu.
834 it`ll [it will] lih WILL.
835 it`s it`s
836 italic huruf miring
837 italicize kkt. menuliskan dengan huruf miring.
838 italicized menulis dengan huruf miring
839 italicizing menulis dengan huruf miring
840 italics kb., j. huruf miring, kursif. The i. are mine Tulisan miring itu saya yang membuatnya.
841 italy kb. Itali(a).
842 itch kb. 1 penyakit gatal. 2 keinginan yang besar. -kkt. membuat gatal. -kki. gatal. -itching kb. kegatalan. She has i. feet Ia ingin bepergian.
843 itched menimbulkan rasa gatal
844 itchiness kb. 1 hasrat. 2 rasa gatal.
845 itching menimbulkan rasa gatal
846 itchy ks. 1 gatal. 2 gelisah. i. fingers tangan yang selalu ingin menembak.
847 item of detail detil materi
848 item one perihal pertama
849 itemization kb. perincian.
850 itemize kkt. memerinci(kan). itemized bill rekening dengan perhitungan terperinci.
851 itemized memerinci
852 itemizing memerinci
853 items materi
854 iterated fission expectation harapan fisi teriterasi
855 iteration method metode iterasi
856 iteration perkataan berulang-ulang
857 itinerant exchange tukar itineran
858 itinerant ks. yang (pergi) berkeliling. i. farmer petani yang berpindah-pindah tempat. i. preacher khatib yang berkeliling.
859 itinerary rencana perjalanan
860 its being asalnya
861 its degree of derajat
862 its extent lingkupnya
863 its own dated deadline batas tanggalnya sendiri
864 its own sample of contoh
865 its own-self miliknya sendiri
866 its own sendiri
867 its use penggunaannya
868 its various berbagai . nya
869 its kg. -nya, kepunyaan. in i. proper place pada tempat yang sebenarnya.
870 itself lih SELF.
871 iud [Intrautiren device] kb. spiral.
872 ivent analysis analisis peristiwa
873 ivied ks. dijalari tanaman ivy.
874 ivory board karton-gading
875 ivory lead daun-gading
876 ivory paper kertas Bristol
877 ivory saw gergaji gading
878 ivory-board corrugating medium alat pembengkok papan gading
879 iwat paling luas
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