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Kata Awalan G Menurut Kamus Indonesia Inggris

Index Kamus Indonesia Inggris
Kata Awalan G Menurut Kamus Indonesia Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 G g, the 7th letter of the alphabet.
2 gaba-gaba (Ambon) 1 garlands and other decorations made of palm fronds. 2 bamboo gate decorated with garlands of fronds, etc. 3 roof of sago palm fronds. 4 dried sago palm stems, esp. as building material.
3 gabah
4 gabai see GAPAI.
5 gabak 1. cloudy, overcast. meng-gabak gloomy, dark. 2. see GABAG.
6 gabas 1. in a hurry, hurriedly. 2. rough, coarse, not tidy.
7 gabir clumsy, awkward, maladroit.
8 gabruk sound of banging.
9 gabung
10 gabungan aliance
11 gabus
12 gada
13 gada-gada
14 gadai
15 gadaian pledge
16 gadang
17 gading
18 gading-gading 1 joist, truss. 2 ribs of ship.
19 gadis
20 gado meng-gado eat side dishes without rice. gado-gado 1 k.o. salad eaten with peanut sauce. 2 s.t. consisting of various elements.
21 gado-gado hodgepodge
22 gadolinium gedolinium
23 gaduh 1. 1) noisy. 2) boisterous, rowdy. 3) tumult. 2. meng-gaduh farm s.o.'s land or raise s.o.'s animals for a share in the product.
24 gaduk arrogant, conceited.
25 gadung k.o. creeping edible tuber which is toxic if not cooked properly.
26 gadungan
27 gaet
28 gaftar chart
29 gaga see GOGO 1.
30 gagah
31 gagah berani heroic
32 gagah perkasa powerfulstrong and heroic
33 gagai meng-gagai climb a tree by embracing the trunk.
34 gagak
35 gagal
36 gagal total totally failed
37 gagang
38 gagap
39 gagas have an idea.
40 gagasan
41 gagau
42 gagu 1 mute, dumb. 2 empty-minded, void of ideas.
43 gaguk see gagap 1.
44 gahar meng-gahar scrub, scour.
45 gahara (Lit.) of royal descent.
46 gahari moderate.
47 gaharu
48 gaib
49 gaing (Naut.) sheer.
50 gairah enthusiasm
51 gait meng-gait 1 pull, book, pluck (fruit, etc. with a pole). 2 wheedle money, etc. from s.o.). 3 swipe, steal, purloin.
52 gajah
53 gajah tunggal rogue elephant
54 gaji
55 gaji bersih take-home
56 gaji bulanan monthly salary
57 gaji buta out of wotk pay
58 gaji kotor gross salary
59 gajian receive salary
60 gajih (Java) fatty portions of meat.
61 gakang (ga'ang) see GAANG.
62 gala 1. resin, pitch. 2 caulking. 3 a resin-collecting bee. gala-gala putty. 2. gala-yudha (Mil.) field test. 3. main-gala-asin k.o. children's game. 4. see SEGALA.
63 galah
64 galak
65 galaksi
66 galang
67 galangan graving dock
68 galar 1 k.o. mat made of bamboo pounded flat. 2 board, two-by-four.
69 galas 1 carrying pole. 2 goods carried on a shoulder pole. 2 peddle merchandise (carried in containers suspended from carrying poles).
70 galat
71 galau
72 galbani meng-galbani galvanize.
73 galgal hurried and rude (in activity, behavior, etc.).
74 gali
75 gali lubang tutup lubang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rob Peter to pay Paul;robbed Peter to pay Paul;robbed Peter to pay Paul;robbing Peter to pay Paul
76 galian dig
77 galib normal.
78 galing-galing k.o. wild climbing vine.
79 galir 1 loose (of screws, key, ring, etc.). 2 fluent, glib, articulate. 3 agile, nimble, spry.
80 galium gallium
81 galon
82 Galungan Balinese celebration, lasting 10 days and occurring once every 210 days according to the wuku calendar.
83 galur 1 furrow, groove. 2 channel.
84 galur murni pure blooded
85 galvanis galvanic
86 galvanisasi
87 gama
88 gamak meng-gamak-gamak 1 take s.t. in hand to feel size or estimate its weight. 2 estimate, make a guess. 3 put o.'s hand threateningly on the hilt of a dagger.
89 gamalisasi planting of gamal trees to eliminate elephant grass.
90 gamam see GAMANG.
91 gaman weapon. ber-gaman armed.
92 gamang
93 gamat
94 gambang traditional instrument similar to xylophone. gambang-keromong 1 small popular Chinese-Indonesian orchestra. 2 Jakarta gamelan.
95 gambar
96 gambar hidup motion picture
97 gambaran picture
98 gambas k.o. squash.
99 gambir 1 gambier, ingredient used in betel chewing, tanning and dyeing. 2 the climbing plant that produces gambier.
100 gamblang
101 gambuh (Java) 1 a make dancer. 2 k.o. dance.
102 gambus 1 k.o. six-stringed, plucked instrument of Arabic origin, us. accompanied by a drum. 2 band with such an instrument or a harmonium and with other instruments plaing Arabian songs.
103 gambut
104 gambyong (Java) k.o. woman's dance. ng-gambyong perform this dance
105 gamelan gamelan orchestra.
106 gamik see GAMIT.
107 gamis k.o. Arab-style shirt.
108 gamit
109 gamma gamma
110 gampang
111 gamparan
112 gamuh k.o. water jar.
113 gana-gini see GONO-GINI.
114 ganang see GUNUNG.
115 ganas
116 gancang quick, spray, alert.
117 gancu crook
118 ganda
119 gandal gandal-an, peng-gandal obstache, hindrance.
120 gandapura k.o. tree whose fragrant leaves are used for medicinal purposes and whose seeds smell like musk.
121 gandar
122 gandarusa various k.o. small trees the leaves of which are used for medicinal purposes.
123 gandasuli k.o. medicinal herb.
124 ganden see GANDIN.
125 gandeng
126 gandengan tow
127 gandes (Java) graceful, charming, elegant.
128 gandik 1 golden ornament worn on forehead by bride. 2 ornament on top of a kris. 3 milling stone.
129 gandin
130 ganding see GANDENG.
131 gandos k.o. cookie made of rice flour and coconut.
132 gandrung 1 infatuated, in love, crazy about. 2 devoted to a cause.
133 gandu k.o. flat black seed as marble.
134 ganduh ber-, meng- barter, exchange by providing s.t. extra in the exchance.
135 gandul ber-gandul-an hang down (of several things).
136 gandum
137 gandung outrigger.
138 gang
139 ganggang
140 ganggu
141 ganggu gugat assay
142 gangguan trouble
143 ganggut meng-ganggut pull, tug.
144 ganglion ganglion
145 gangsa
146 gangsal see GASAL.
147 gangsang see GASANG.
148 gangsar see GANGSIR.
149 ganjal
150 ganjalan spraging
151 ganjil
152 ganti
153 ganti rugi compensatoryindemnationindemnifyindemnifiedindemnifiedindemnifying
154 gantung
155 gantungan hanger
156 gantungan baju clotheshorse
157 ganyar hard (of uncooked tubers).
158 ganyong (Java, Sunda) k.o. edible tuber.
159 ganyut see GANYAR.
160 gaok (Java) 1 k.o. bird, crow. 2 cawing sound. meng-gaok caw.
161 gap
162 gapai ber-an, meng-(2) 1 reach for, extend the hand for,grasp after. 2 wave (o.'s hand) to. 3 achieve, attain.
163 gapil meng-gapil interfere in.
164 gapit pincers, tweezers, clamp.
165 gaple dominoes.
166 gaplek
167 gaplok (Java) meng-gaplok slap s.o. on the back.
168 gapura
169 gara-gara 1 (Java) scene in traditional wayang depicting turbulence and war. 2 turbulence, commotion (in war or of nature). 3 natural phenomenon (earthquake, typhoon, etc.). regarded as an omen (us, bad). 4 just be cause (of).
170 garah 1. frighten away, chase away (birds, etc.). 2. garah-garah joking, jesting.
171 garam
172 garam abu potash
173 garam dapur cooking salt
174 garam inggris epsom salts
175 garan (Java) handle.
176 garang
177 garangan
178 garansi
179 garap
180 garasi
181 garau hoarse.
182 garbis (Java) k.o. round, yellow and black melon.
183 garda guard.
184 gardan (Auto.) differential gear.
185 gardu
186 garebek (Java) o. of the three major Muslim religious festivals.
187 gari
188 garib strange, peculiar, exotic.
189 garing
190 garis
191 garis akhir finish line
192 garis balik selatan Tropic of Capricorn
193 garis balik utara Tropic of Cancer
194 garis bawah under line
195 garis belakang home front
196 garis besar outline
197 garis bujur meridian
198 garis dasar base line
199 garis demarkasi demarcation line
200 garis depan front line
201 garis horizontal horizontal line
202 garis keras extreme ideological loyalist
203 garis lintang latitude
204 garis miring slash
205 garis pantai coastline
206 garis paralel paralled line
207 garis sejajar parallel line
208 garis tegak plump line
209 garuk
210 garwa /garwo/ (Honorific, Java) spouse.
211 gas
212 gas air mata lachrymator
213 gas alam natural gas
214 gas alam cair liquefied natural gas
215 gas karbit acetylene
216 gasak 1 fight. 2 hit.
217 gasal
218 gasang
219 gasing
220 gasket
221 gasolin
222 gasometer gasometer
223 gatal
224 gatot (Java) sliced dried cassava boiled with coconut milk.
225 gatra phrase (in a sentence or in music).
226 gatuk (Java) match, meet, coincide.
227 gaul
228 gaun
229 gaung
230 gawai see GAWE.
231 gawal mistake, error.
232 gawang
233 gawar warning sign (us. by means of ropes).
234 gawat
235 gawir (Sunda) escarpment.
236 gaya
237 gaya bebas free-style
238 gaya berat gravity
239 gaya dada breast-stroke
240 gaya hidup life style
241 gaya kupu-kupu butterfly stroke
242 gaya pegas resilience
243 gaya punggung backstroke
244 gaya tarik attractive force
245 gayal 1 elastic. 2 tough of meat.
246 gayam k.o. semicultivated Inocarpus tree with pulpy fruits eaten cooked.
247 gayang staggering, reeling (from dizziness, drunkenness, etc.).
248 gayang-gayang a rack.
249 gayeng (Java) 1 pleasant, warm, cordial (attitude). 2 cheerful, interesting (conversation).
250 gayuh 1. hang low (of fruit on tree or bush). 2. aspiration, ideal, objective. meng-gayuh achieve.
251 gayung 1 water dipper, scoop. 2. attack(with sword or blow).
252 gayut ber-gayut hang, swing.
253 geblok (Java) 1 bolt of cloth. 2 wad of money.
254 gebyar (Java) sparkle, shine, glitter.
255 gedebak-gedebuk tremble
256 gedebar-gedebur sound of beating or throbbing, beat or throb.
257 gedebuk
258 gedebung square of cloth formed into a pouch often for betel leaves and tobacco.
259 gedung
260 gedung Putih
261 gedung sekolah schoolhouse
262 geduyut ber-geduyut droop, bend (from heavy branches, etc.).
263 gegabah
264 gegaman hand weapon.
265 gegaokan (Java) caw.
266 gegap gegap-gempita uproarious, noisy, clamorous.
267 gegar
268 gegar otak concussion of the brain
269 gegares stuff, gorge o.s.
270 gegas lots of movement and activity. ber-gegas-an hurry.
271 gegat
272 gegau ter-gegau starled, wake up with a start.
273 gegep pliers, tweezers.
274 geger
275 gegetun surprised, dumbfounded.
276 gejala
277 gejolak
278 gejuju meng-gejuju build up, pile up (of clouds).
279 gel gel
280 gelabur meng-gelabur plunge into water.
281 geladah see GELEDAH.
282 geladak
283 geladak atas upper deck
284 geladi rehearsal.
285 geladir 1 mucus, phlegm. 2 slime.
286 gelagah wild sugarcane.
287 gelagak see GELEGAK.
288 gelagar ber-gelagar-an thunder (of cannons).
289 gelagat 1 sign, indication. 2 symptom. 3 attitude. 4 habits.
290 gelak 1 laughter. 2 laugh, chortle.
291 gelakak hearty laugh.
292 gelam k.o.Melaleuca tree and its bark which is used for caulking.
293 gelama 1. k.o. sea fish. 2. mucus, phlegm.
294 gelamai sweet made of pounded sticky rice, coconut, and sugar. meng-gelamai prepare this sweet.
295 gelambir
296 gelandang
297 gelandang kanan right-halfback
298 gelandang kiri left-halfback
299 gelandang tengah halfback
300 gelandangan
301 gelang
302 gelang kunci key chain
303 gelanggang
304 gelanggang remaja youth center
305 gelanggang tinju arena
306 gelangsar meng-gelangsar slide, slip up.
307 gelap
308 gelap gulita pitch dark
309 gelap mata panic
310 gelar
311 gelas
312 gelebar ber-, ter flap (of sail, shirt, tail, etc.). meng-gelebar plop o.s. down.
313 geledah
314 geleding meng-geleding twist, warp (of wood, etc.).
315 gelembung
316 gelembung paru-paru alveolus
317 gelembur
318 gelenggang see GELINGGANG.
319 gelepar
320 geler see GILIR.
321 geletak flounder, flutter. meng-geletak sprawl.
322 geletar
323 geletuk chattering (of teeth).
324 geli 1. 1) amused, tickled. 2) ticklish. 3) set o.'s teeth on edge, give o. the creeps. 2. see BUAH.
325 geliat
326 gelicik meng-gelicik-kan avoid, evade. ter-gelicik skid, slip.
327 geliga see GULIGA.
328 gelimang ber-gelimang be soiled, smeared, covered with s.t. wet. gelimang-an shallow pools of liquid, mud, etc.
329 gelincir
330 gelincuh ter-gelincuh stumble.
331 gelinding wheel.
332 gelindingan caster.
333 gelinggam 1 red lead. 2 red dye, red paint.
334 gelinggaman shudder, get the creeps.
335 gelintang ter-gelintang sprawled.
336 gelintin ber-gelinting 1 sticky. 2 thick, concentrated.
337 gelinting meng-gelinting 1 roll (cigarette, etc.). 2 writhe, squirm.
338 gelintir 1 pellet. 2 counter used with small pelletlike objects. 3 counter used with persons. 4 a general all-purpose counter.
339 gelisah
340 gelitik
341 gelokak see GELOPAK.
342 gelomang see GELUMANG.
343 gelombang
344 gelombang elektromagnetik electromagnetic wave
345 gelombang mikro microwave
346 gelombang radio radiowave
347 gelondong roll, bunch.
348 gelongsor
349 gelontor meng-gelontor 1 spray with water in order to remove s.t. 2 drink a great deal.
350 gelora
351 gelosang meng-gelosang hurry up, speed s.o. up.
352 gelosok meng-gelosok rub hard, scrub vigorously.
353 gelotak meng-gelotak split a coconut shell.
354 gelumang muddied, wet with s.t. dirty.
355 geluncur see GELINCIR.
356 gema
357 gemak 1. meng-gemak-gemak handle, finger. 2. k.o. wild quail.
358 gemal bunch (of twigs, paddy), sheaf. meng-gemal 1 put together in sheaf or bunch. 2 hold, grasp.
359 gemala magic stone, probably bezoar.
360 geman afraid, frightened. peng-gemani coward.
361 gemang 1. thick, cylinder-shaped (long, etc.). 2. k.o. fish.
362 gemap ter-gemap astounded, dumbfounded.
363 gemar
364 gemas 1 annoyed, put out, irritated. 2 passionate, with heat. 3 be moved emotionally to do s.t. physical from anger, love, etc.
365 gemawan clouds moving rapidly by in sky.
366 gembala
367 gembar-gembor
368 gembel
369 gembili see KEMBILI.
370 gembira
371 gembleng
372 gembok
373 gembol meng-gembol carry (in baf, pocket, piece of cloth). gembol-an s.t. carried (in bag, etc.).
374 gembong
375 gembor 1. see GEMBAR-GEMBOR. 2. watering can.
376 gembos deflated.
377 gembreng
378 gembrot (Java) big-bellied, paunchy.
379 gembul 1. always hungry, never satisfied. 2. full, fat.
380 gembung
381 gembur loose (of soil). 2 crumbly (of bread).
382 gemelentam sound of booming cannon fire.
383 gemeletak shiver, chatter (of teeth).
384 gemeletap sound of tapping (of fingers on table or glass pane, etc.).
385 gemeletuk see GELETUK.
386 gemerencing see GEMERINCING.
387 gemerencung see GEMERENCANG.
388 gemeresik 1 sound of rustling (of leaves). 2 sound of paper being crumpled.
389 gemeretak
390 gemerusuk rustle.
391 gemetar
392 gempa
393 gempa bumi earthquake
394 gempal
395 gempar
396 gempita
397 gemuk
398 gemulai 1 supple, pliant. 2 swaying (of leaves in wind, etc.).
399 gen gene
400 genah (Java) 1 proper. 2 straightened out, settled.
401 genang
402 genap
403 gencar
404 gencat
405 gencatan senjata cease-fire
406 gencer see GENCAR.
407 gencet meng-gencet 1 (Jakarta) squeeze, press. 2 urge, press. 3 (Jakarta) crush. 4 suppress, crush.
408 gencetan 1 physical or psychological pressure. 2 suppression.
409 gendak
410 gendala hindrance, obstacle.
411 gendang
412 gendeng (Java) dumb, stupid.
413 gender k.o. metallophone with keys suspended on thongs or cords over sounding tubes, a gamelan instrument.
414 genderang
415 genderuwo see GENDRUWO.
416 gending
417 gendong
418 genduk (Java) 1 girl. 2 term of address for girls, esp. as nduk for little girls or for waitress or maid.
419 gendut
420 genealogi genealogy.
421 generalisasi generalizing
422 generasi
423 generasi muda the rising generation
424 generatif
425 generator
426 genetika genetics.
427 geng gang
428 genggam
429 genggaman grasp
430 genggang 1. 1) ajar, slightly open. 2) fissure, split. ber-, ter- be ajar (of a door, etc.). 2. gingham.
431 genggong 1. 1) bamboo jew's harp. 2) harmonica. 2. (small) house surrounded by water.
432 gengsi
433 gengsot k.o. dance. ng-gengsot dance such a dance.
434 genial genial.
435 genialitas geniality.
436 genit
437 genital genital
438 genitif genitive
439 genius genius
440 genjah early-ripening (of certain rice or fruit varieties).
441 genta bell (in churches, worn by cattle, etc.). ber-genta ring out.
442 gentar
443 gentel
444 genteng
445 gentian gentian
446 gentik see GETIK.
447 genting
448 gentong
449 genus gender
450 geodesi
451 geofisika
452 geofisikawan geophysicist.
453 geofon geophone
454 geografi geography.
455 geografi fisik physical geography
456 geografis
457 geokimia geochemistry.
458 geolog geologist
459 geologi
460 geologis geological.
461 geologiwan geologist.
462 geometri geometry
463 geometris
464 geopolitik
465 geosentris geocentrical
466 gepeng flat and rather thin, us. of s.t. not flat (a cake that fails to rise, a malformed head, a plate rather than a soup bowl, etc.).
467 geplak 1. (Java, Jakarta) k.o. sweet cake. 2. meng-geplak strike with the back of the hand.
468 gepok bundle, sheaf. gepok-an bundle, sheaf, wad.
469 geprak meng-geprak hit with banging sound (us. the head).
470 gepuk 1. (M) fat, obese. 2. meng-gepuk 1) beat, pound. 2) crack (with hammer).
471 gera meng-gera frighten, threaten (by starling actions).
472 gerabah earthenware vessels.
473 gerabak meng-gerabak trickle, flow (of tears).
474 gerabang 1 large rip. 2 gaping hole (in wall).
475 geragai k.o. hook for catching crocodiles.
476 geragap meng-geragap be nervous and uncontrolled (of speech). geragap-an hace difficulty speaking (from nervousness, fear, atc.).
477 geragas (Java) ng-geragas gluttonous.
478 geragau
479 geragot meng-geragot damage s.t. slightly by nibbling or gnawing at it.
480 gerah 1. 1) stifflingly hot, sultry. 2) (Coll.) sick. 2. see GERUH 1.
481 geraham
482 gerai meng-gerai dig, excavate. 2. (Lit.) small stand or platform. 3. meng-, ter be loose (of hair).
483 gerak
484 gerak badan sport
485 gerak jalan hiking
486 gerak tipu feint
487 gerakan movement
488 geram
489 geraman growl
490 gerami see GURAMI.
491 geratak (Jakarta) meng-geratak search, look for (everywhere).
492 gerayang 1. meng-gerayang 1) craw (of insects, snakes, etc.). 2) scratch the head). 2. (Jakarta) meng-gerayang grope, esp. probe stealthily (in order to steal).
493 gerbang
494 gerbong
495 gerebek vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = raid;raided;raided;raiding
496 gereh (Java) dried salted fish of any kind except enchovy.
497 gereja
498 gerejani ecclesiastical.
499 gerejawi ecclesiastical.
500 gerek
501 geretang (M) meng-geretang adopt a fighting posture.
502 gergaji
503 gergaji tangan handsaw
504 gergasi
505 gerhana bulan moon eclipse
506 gerhana matahari sun eclipse
507 gerhana total total eclipse
508 gerigi
509 gerigik k.o. bamboo water-scoop, with a handle.
510 gerigis ber-gerigis serrated, cogged (file, etc.).
511 gerilyawan male guerrilla fighter.
512 gerim k.o. coarse flannel.
513 gerincing sound of thinkling. meng-gerincing-kan jingle s.t. (keys, etc.).
514 gerinting k.o. grass.
515 gerinyau meng-gerinyau feel itchy.
516 germanium germanium
517 germo
518 geroak have a large, gaping tear, esp. in clothing.
519 gerobak
520 gerobak dorong barrow
521 gerodak sound of clattering (stone rolling on floor, stamping of feet, etc.).
522 gerombolan
523 geronggang 1. k.o. tree yielding house timber. 2. geronggang, geronggong 1) cavity (in tree, etc.), 2) be hollow.
524 geronyot 1 throb with pain. 2 twitch.
525 geropes see GERUPIS.
526 gerowot see GEROGOT.
527 gerpol [gerilya politik] political guerrilla.
528 gersang
529 gertak sambal idle threats
530 gerumit meng-gerumit perform fine, meticulous work.
531 gerunggung k.o. tree.
532 gesek
533 gesekan
534 getah
535 getah bening lymph
536 getak-getuk sound of knocking or pounding (e.g. butcher's cleaver on cutting block).
537 getang cover of rthin material (paper, cloth, skin) tightly drawn over an opening.
538 getap 1. broken. meng-getap grate, crunch. 2. getap ,getapan 1 quick-tempereted. 2 easily shocked.
539 getar
540 getaran
541 getas
542 getek
543 getik meng-getik 1 tap lightly, flick (with finger). 2 nip between o,'s fingers. getik-an a pinch, a nip.
544 getil se-getil a pinch of s.t.
545 getir 1. bitter. 2. see GETIL.
546 getis 1 brittle. 2 frail (of health).
547 getok sound of pounding.
548 getol
549 getu meng-getu crush with fingernail.
550 getuk 1. (Java) k.o. sweet steamed loaf of pounded cassava. 2. see GETOK.
551 getun ke-getun-an surprise, astonishment.
552 giam k.o. hardwood tree.
553 giat
554 gigi
555 gigi palsu store teeth
556 gigi seri incisor
557 gigi sulung milk tooth
558 gigi susu milkteeth
559 gigih
560 gigil vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = tremble;trembled;trembled;trembling
561 gigis (Java) see KIKIS.
562 gigit
563 gigitan bite
564 gigolo gigolo
565 gila
566 gila babi epilepsy
567 gila-gilaan batty
568 gilap meng-gilap lustrous, shining (of s.t. polished).
569 gilas
570 gili (M) meng-gili-gili 1 tickle. 2 incite, egg on, needle.
571 gili-gili 1 bund, earthen dike. 2 sidewalk.
572 gilik 1. meng-gilik roll over s.t. to crush it. 2. see GILI.
573 giling
574 gilir
575 giliran
576 gimpal locket, pendant.
577 gin
578 gincu
579 ginekolog gynecologist.
580 ginekologi
581 gingsir see GELINGSIR.
582 ginjal kidney
583 ginseng ginseng
584 gips
585 gir
586 girang
587 giras k.o. coarse linen.
588 girik 1 ID card. 2 chit, voucher. 3 title of land ownership (containing land measurements). 4 schedule of rounds by guards.
589 girik-girik areca nut crusher.
590 giring
591 giring-giring 1. bell (on bicycle, clothing, etc.). 2. plants used for fertilizer.
592 giris (Java) fel fear and horror.
593 giro
594 giroskop
595 gisar 1. see KISAR. 2. see GESEL.
596 gisik (Java) beach.
597 gisil see GESEL.
598 gita (Java) hymn, song.
599 gitar
600 gitaris
601 gites (Java) meng-gites crush lice between tips of a.'s fingernails.
602 gitik (Vul., SL.) meng-gitik have sex with a woman.
603 giuk (Naut.) guy.
604 glaukoma
605 gliserin
606 global
607 globalisasi globalization
608 glondongan (Coll.) unprocessed timber.
609 glosarium (Ling.) glossary.
610 glotalisasi (Ling.) glottalization.
611 gobet meng-gobet cut very thin, grate.
612 goblok stupid.
613 goda
614 godaan obsession
615 godam
616 godek side whiskers, sideburns. ber-godek growing side burns.
617 godot meng-godot slice, saw thinly.
618 gokar gocart
619 gol
620 golak ber-golak 1 boil (of water). 2 seethe, churn. brew, boil. turbulence, upheaval.
621 golak-galik 1 up and down. 2 to and fro.
622 golakan turbulence
623 golbi fly (of trousers).
624 golek 1. ber-golek 1) rol. 2) lie down. 2. (Coll.) k.o. wooden rod-puppet used in a genre of wayang. golek-an (Java) doll, puppet.
625 goler lie down. ber-goler 1 turn or roll over. 2 lie down.
626 golf
627 golok
628 golong vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = pertain;pertained;pertained;pertaining
629 golongan
630 golongan darah blood group
631 golongan karya functional group
632 golongan minoritas minority community
633 gombak 1 forelock. 2 tuft, crest.
634 gombal empty, false.
635 gombang 1. glazed earthenware jar. 2. (M) handsome, good-looking.
636 gombeng meng-gombeng enlarge (a hole), interspace s.t.
637 gombrong (Jakarta) loose-fitting (of clothing).
638 gombyok (Java) tassel, fringe.
639 gompal (Jakarta) torn down, broken.
640 goncang
641 gondang (Java) 1 snail, slug. 2 name for various k.o. mollusks.
642 gondok
643 gondol
644 gondola gondola
645 gondong goiter. gondong-an s.t. similar to goiter.
646 gondorukem see GANDARUKAM.
647 gondrong long-haired, esp. of men.
648 gong
649 gonggok millepede
650 gonggong
651 gonggongan yap
652 gongli (Sunda) (bagong lieur) willing sexual partner.
653 gongseng
654 goni
655 goniometri goniometry.
656 gonjong (Lit.) steep and pointedd, pitched (of roof, etc.).
657 gono-gini property acquired jointly, esp. during marriage, and which is divided equally in event of divorce.
658 gonta-ganti
659 gontai slow.
660 gontok hit with the fists in anger.
661 gonyak meng-gonyak-kan (Lit.) ridicule, deride.
662 gopek see GO 1.
663 gopoh adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hasty;hasten;hastened;hastened;hastening
664 gorek meng-gorek scratch. peng-gorek-an scratching, scraping.
665 goreng
666 gores
667 gores api vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = strike a light;struck a light;struck a light;striking a light
668 goresan incision
669 gori (Java) unripe jackfruit.
670 gorila
671 gorok cut (a throat). peng-gorok-an slaughtering.
672 gorong-gorong water-channel.
673 gosip
674 gosok
675 gosokan rubbing
676 gosong
677 got
678 gotes meng-gotes pluck, pick, gather.
679 gotik Gothic
680 gotong meng-gotong carry s.t. so heavy two or more people must cooperate. gotong-an heavy burden, shared load.
681 gotong royong mutual assistance
682 gotri (Java) pellet, buckshot.
683 gotrok (Java) k.o. narrow-gauge railway (used for transporting sugar).
684 goyah
685 grad degree.
686 gradasi
687 graf
688 grafik graph
689 grafis
690 grafit
691 grafologi graphology
692 gram
693 gramatika (Ling.) grammar.
694 gramatikal (Ling.) grammatical.
695 gramofon gramophone
696 granat
697 granit
698 grasi clemency granted by head of state.
699 gratifikasi 1 bonus (for workers). 2 dividend (for shareholders).
700 gratis
701 gravimeter gravimeter
702 gravitas gravity
703 gravitasi
704 greget see GEREGETAN.
705 grehon greyhound.
706 gres
707 grogi see GEROGI.
708 gros 1. gross, unit of measure. 2. (Ambon) large.
709 grosir
710 grup group.
711 gubah
712 gubahan composition
713 gubal
714 gubang 1. notch in tree for foothold when climbing. 2. ber-gubang roll over to clean itself (of animals). 3. see GOBANG.
715 gubel meng-gubel coax, urge.
716 gubernemen 1 gvt. (colonial period). 2 residence of the governor.
717 gubernur
718 gubit (M) meng-gubit beckon to.
719 gubris meng-gubris heed, pay attention to (a request, etc.).
720 gubuk
721 gudang
722 gudang senjata arsenal
723 gudangan (Java) steamed mixed vegetables with grated coconut and chili peppers.
724 gugah
725 gugat
726 gugatan
727 gugur
728 gugus
729 gugusan bunch
730 gul see GOL.
731 gula
732 gula aren palm sugar
733 gula batu lump sugar
734 gula merah demerara
735 gula tebu cana sugar
736 gula-gula sweet
737 gulai k.o. curry.
738 gulali 1 taffy. 2 k.o. syrupy sweet.
739 gulana see GUNDAH.
740 gulat
741 guli
742 guliga bezoar, esp. when used as amulet.
743 guling
744 gulir ber-gulir move, roll on, go.
745 gulita dark.
746 gulma weeds.
747 gulung
748 gulung tikar vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = close down;closed down;closed down;closing down
749 gulungan roll
750 gulut ber-, ter- (gulut-gulut ) in hurry, hastily, in haste. meng-gulut hurry s.t. up, accelerate.
751 gum sound of boom (cannon, etc.).
752 gumal 1 wrinkled, creased (of cloth). 2 rumpled, crumpled (of paper).
753 gumam
754 gumpal
755 gumpalan Iump
756 gumuk
757 gumul 1 wrestle. 2 struggle.
758 gumun (Java) astonished, surprised.
759 gun 1 (China sleep. 2. fine-toothed comb in weaving machines to separate threads.
760 guna
761 gunawan 1 (Lit.) virtuous, noble. 2 useful (person).
762 guncang see GONCANG.
763 gundah
764 gundal 1. 1) notch (in wood). 2) knot (in string) as indicator in counting. 2. see BEGUNDAL.
765 gundar coarse brush (for cleaning a horse, etc.). meng-gundar use such a brush.
766 gundi see LEGUNDI.
767 gundik
768 gundu
769 gunduk ber-gunduk-gunduk be piled up in several heaps.
770 gundukan
771 gundul
772 gung see GONG 1.
773 gunggung sum total. gunggung-an the total.
774 gunjai tassel, tuft.
775 gunjing
776 guntai 1. owned by an absentee landlord. 2. see GONTAI.
777 guntak rattling (e.g. of seeds in fruit). ber-guntak rattle.
778 gunting
779 guntingan
780 guntung 1 flat, level, smooth. 2 short. 3 blunt, flat. meng-guntung top (a tree, pole, etc.).
781 guntur
782 gunung
783 gunung api volcano
784 gunungan 1 (Java) mountainlike figure in the wayang play symbolizing the universe. 2 imitation mountain.
785 gup sound of mutted thud.
786 gurah ber-gurah gargle, rinse. meng-gurah rinse s.t. out (vat, o.'s mouth, bottle, etc.).
787 guram 1. dull, dim, hazy. 2. 1 chiken flea. 2 insignificant, inconsequential. 3. gums.
788 gurami
789 gurat 1 scratch, line. 2 (Jakarta, Sl.) lines in the palm.
790 guratan 1 sketch, outline. 2 facial wrinkle.
791 gurau
792 gurauan persiflage
793 gurdi
794 gurem
795 guri small earthen pot.
796 gurih
797 gurindam
798 gurit 1 philosophical verse. 2 simple verse in rhyme. meng-gurit poetize, versify, write poetry.
799 gurita
800 guru
801 guru besar professor
802 guru sekolah schoolteacher
803 guruh
804 gurun
805 gurung (Java) windpipe, esophagus, gullet. gurung-an water channel.
806 gus 1. (Java) respectful term of address by adults to boys or youth. 2 see BAGUS.
807 gusah (Java) meng-gusah chase away.
808 gusar
809 gusi
810 gusti
811 gusur gusur-an an area condemned for right of way or public use.
812 gutik meng-gutik touch with tips of fingers.
813 guyon
814 guyub 1. (Java) friendly, close, mutually helpful. ke-guyub-an communality. per-guyub-an community organization based on ascribed status. 2. see KUYUP.
815 guyur ber-guyur bathed in (sweat, etc.).
816 galengan (Java) small dike in rice field.
817 galing see IKAL.
818 gawé (Jakarta, Java) work.
819 garis tengah diameter
820 gaun tidur nightgown
821 gayem (Java) meng-gayem(i) chew the cud.
822 gazebo gazebo
823 gemblengan training
824 gempuran
825 genangan pond
826 gendang telinga eardrum
827 glosari glossary
828 goyangan
829 gurinda see GERINDA.
830 Graham graham
831 Grendel latch, door bolt.
832 Galena galena
833 Galia Gaelic
834 Geol (Sunda) ber-, meng-geol sway, swing.
835 Guni see GONI.
836 German german
837 Gray gray (Gy)
838 Gene gene.
839 Giles see GILAS.
840 Gumala see GEMALA.
841 gān see JURAGAN.
842 Galant gallant.
843 Ganesa Ganesha, Hindu elephant god.
844 Gareng (Java) k.o. cicada that appears at end of rainy season. Gareng son of Semar in Java shadow play.
845 Gia [Garuda Indonesian Airways] the Indonesian national airline.
846 Galloway galloway
847 Gordon see KORDON.
848 Games gamete
849 gapu meng-gapu reach, extend to.
850 guha see GUA 1.
851 gule see GULAI.
852 gaang mole cricket.
853 gabag German measles.
854 gancaran (Java) prose.
855 gandol see GANDUL.
856 gendi see KENDI.
857 giringan giringan
858 guris see GORES.
859 gulden
860 gelah loam
861 ganti kerugian compensatoryindemnationindemnifyindemnifiedindemnifiedindemnifying
862 gelagapan 1 stutter, stammer. 2 confused, flustered, upsed. 3 losing direction. 4 make gasping noises when drowning.
863 gantian rotation
864 gemerincing
865 gulingkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = overthrow;overthrew;overthrown;overthrowing
866 gagalkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = discomfit;discomfited;discomfited;discomfiting
867 gairah hidup zest of life
868 game (gim) 1 expression signalling end of a game. 2 (Sl.) dead.
869 gelumbang see GELOMBANG.
870 gemar akan keen abouthave a passionhad a passionhad a passionhaving a passion
871 gerak-gerik gesture
872 giatkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = key up;keyed up;keyed up;keying up
873 gila akan mad about
874 gini (Coll.) see BEGINI. se-gini this much.
875 gitu (Coll.) see BEGITU. gitu-gitu so-so, all the same. se-gitu that much. gitu-an that sort of (bad, dirty) thing.
876 golongan kecil coterie
877 goncangan convulsion
878 granat tangan hand grenade
879 gunakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = use;used;used;using
880 guru perempuan lady teacher
881 guyah see GOYAH.
882 guyuran splash.
883 guna-guna
884 Gereja Katolik The Roman Catholic
885 Gorgonzola Gorgonzola
886 Gurka Gurkha
887 g) g)
888 G.
889 g30s [Gerakan 30 September] September 30th Movement, the 1965 attempt to seize control of the gvt.
890 gabardine gabardine.
891 gableg,gablek (Java) be capable of doing s.t.
892 gabug,gabuk 1 empty (of rice, kernels, etc.). 2sterile. 3 childless.
893 gabung dalam vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = merge into;merged into;merged into;merging into
894 gabung dengan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = join forces with;joined forces with;joined forces with;joining forces with
895 gabungan beberapa organisasi confederation
896 gabungan bilangan sekawan added complex number
897 gabungan boberapa perusahaan besar syndicate
898 gabungan dua kata portmanteau word
899 gabungan irama musik fugue
900 gabungan kanta lens combination
901 gabungan operasi joint operation
902 gabungan penyerap-gas gas sorbent combinations
903 gabungan peristiwa pidana concourse
904 gabungan persyaratan join conditions
905 gabungan perusahaan joint venture
906 gabungan sekretariat joint secretariat
907 gabungan transformator bank of transformers
908 gabungkan dengan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = couple with;coupled with;coupled with;coupling with
909 gabungkan diri vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = join forces;joined forces;joined forces;joining forces
910 gabungkan lagi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rejoin;rejoined;rejoined;rejoining
911 gabungkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = join;joined;joined;joining
912 gacok,gacuk the marble, card, etc. which o. picks as the means of winning in children's game of marbles, cards, etc., where the object is to accumulate marbles, etc.
913 gadai berjaminan tenaga budak credit bondsman
914 gadaikan untuk vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = raise money on;raised money on;raised money on;raising money on
915 gadaikan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = mortgage;mortgaged;mortgaged;mortgaging
916 gadang dari kayu wooden shed
917 gadang-gadang meng-gadang hope for s.t.
918 gadar see KADAR 1.
919 gadas bowling pin.
920 gaden see SURAT.
921 gading gajah ivory
922 gading-gading belakang back joist
923 gadis bermata biru blue-eyed girl
924 gadis cantik cutie
925 gadis ceriwis hoyden
926 gadis kelaki-lakian tomboy
927 gadis modern l920-an flapper
928 gadis nakal yang tak sopan minx
929 gadis panggung showgirl
930 gadis pembantu skivvies
931 gadis remaja bobbysoxer
932 gadis tak sopan hussy
933 gadis yang sederhana ingenue
934 gadolinite gadolinite
935 gae, gaek (Coll.) old.
936 gaflar Smith Smith-chart
937 gaftar bak rendam bath-tub chart
938 gagah dan berani strong and brave
939 gagah-gagahan overacting
940 gagal amen fail safe
941 gagal dalam vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fail in;failed in;failed in;failing in
942 gagal diperoleh vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fail of;failed of;failed of;failing of
943 gagal melaksanakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fall down on the job;fallen down on the job;fallen down on the job;falling down on the job
944 gagal melihat kepentingannya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = miss a trick;missed a trick;missed a trick;missing a trick
945 gagal memenuhi sesuatu noncompliance
946 gagal memperoleh vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fail of;failed of;failed of;failing of
947 gagal menahan amarah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = lose a temper;lost a temper;lost a temper;losing a temper
948 gagalkan kejahatan abortive
949 gagalkan pemberontakan abortive
950 gagalkan penetapan undang undang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = filibuster;filibustered;filibustered;filibustering
951 gagalkan rencana vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = clipp the wings of;clipped the wings of;clipped the wings of;clipping the wings of
952 gagang bedil breech
953 gagang kemudi handle bar
954 gagang panci panhandle
955 gagang pembakar burnerholder
956 gagang sapu broomstick
957 gagang tombak pikestaff
958 gagasan tiba-tiba brain-storm
959 gagasan yang jitu brain-child
960 gairah,gairat passion, strong desire.
961 gairahkan adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = voluptuous;excite;excited;excited;exciting
962 gaji awal starting salary
963 gaji bagian administrasi administrative salaries
964 gaji dalam setahun annual salary
965 gaji dan harga wages and prices
966 gaji pendeta dari gereja prebendary
967 gaji per tahun annual salary
968 gaji sementara temporary salary
969 gaji tambahan iching on the cake
970 gaji tetap regular salary
971 gaji yang akan dibayar accrued salaries
972 gak
973 gala-lilinlebah bees wax-resin
974 galaan elektron electron attachment
975 galakkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = embolden;emboldened;emboldened;emboldening
976 galaksi bima sakti the milky way
977 galaktic galactic
978 galangan kapal terapung wet dock
979 galangan kapal dockyard
980 galangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = put on the stocks;put on the stocks;put on the stocks;putting on the stocks
981 galantin galantine, k.o. meatloaf.
982 galas paralaks parallax error
983 galas persentase percentage error
984 galasi (Jakarta) k.o. poisonous spider.
985 galat prismatik prismatic error
986 galat simpal loop error
987 galenika k.o. patent medicine.
988 gali dan menemukan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = unearth;unearthed;unearthed;unearthing
989 gali dari kubur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = exhum;exhumed;exhumed;exhuming
990 gali dengan bajak vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = plough up;ploughed up;ploughed up;ploughing up
991 gali dengan mesin bajak vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = plough up;ploughed up;ploughed up;ploughing up
992 gali dengan sekop vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = spade up;spaded up;spaded up;spading up
993 gali parit vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dug in;dug in;dug in;digging in
994 gali penemuan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = unearth;unearthed;unearthed;unearthing
995 gali tanah untuk penyelidikan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dug over;dug over;dug over;digging over
996 gali temuan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = unearth;unearthed;unearthed;unearthing
997 gali untuk diruntuhkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dig down;dug down;dug down;digging down
998 gali untuk menemukan permukaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dig up;dug up;dug up;digging up
999 galian seimbang-urugan balanced earthworks
1000 galium arsenida gallium arsenide
1001 galuran probing back into s.t.
1002 galvani galvanis
1003 galvanisir vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = galvanize;galvanized;galvanized;galvanizing
1004 galvanometer balistik ballistic galvanometer
1005 galvanometer kumparan tertumpu pivoted coil galvanometer
1006 galvanometer redaman damping galvanometer
1007 galvanoplastik galvanoplastic
1008 gama Gruneisen Gruneisen gamma
1009 gamawan male student at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
1010 gamawati female tudent at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
1011 gamb. [gambar] illustration, picture.
1012 gambangan yoke.
1013 gambar dekat close-up
1014 gambar dibuat dari potongan collage
1015 gambar diperbesar vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = zoom out;zoomed out;zoomed out;zooming out
1016 gambar gadis didinding pinup
1017 gambar hasil sinar x radiograph
1018 gambar kartun vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = cartoon;cartooned;cartooned;cartooning
1019 gambar muka frontispiece
1020 gambar perspektif vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = foreshorten;foreshortened;foreshortened;foreshortening
1021 gambar pola pakaian terbaru fashion plate
1022 gambar silang tengkorak crossbones
1023 gambar sindiran caricature
1024 gambar telanjang nude picture
1025 gambar yang tidak jelas problem picture
1026 gambaran Heisenberg Heisenberg picture
1027 gambaran berlebihan tragedi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = pill on the agony;piled on the agony;piled on the agony;piling on the agony
1028 gambaran interaksi; interaction picture
1029 gambaran pembiayaan costing figures
1030 gambaran timbul embossment
1031 gambarkan dengan sinis vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stigmatize;stigmatized;stigmatized;stigmatizing
1032 gambarkan di vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = outlin in;outlined in;outlined in;outlining in
1033 gambarkan lebih dulu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = prefigure;prefigured;prefigured;prefiguring
1034 gambarkan sebagai vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = describe as;described as;described as;describing as
1035 gambarkan secara salah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = misrepresent;misrepresented;misrepresented;misrepresenting
1036 gambarkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = depict;depicted;depicted;depicting
1037 gambit gambit
1038 gamblok ng-gamblok 1 be attached to, hold on to. 2 join.
1039 gamon gamon
1040 gamow gamow
1041 gampang dibohongi deceivable
1042 gampang keliru easily missed
1043 gampang mengerti conceptive
1044 gampang menyala combustible
1045 gampangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = make easy;made easy;made easy;making easy
1046 gampangnya tidak mungkin simply impossible
1047 ganco, gancu 1 pole with a hook (e.g. to pluck fruit from trees). 2 boat hook. 3 pickax.
1048 ganda camkpuran mixed doubles
1049 gandaan cakar peg-leg multiple
1050 gandaan mekanis mechanical dual
1051 gandaan tolok gauge manifold
1052 gandakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = duplicate;duplicated;duplicated;duplicating
1053 gandapita k.o. cake.
1054 gandar neraca balance beam
1055 gandaria,gandariah ko. tree bearing edible fruit, used for medicinal purposes.
1056 gandarukam k.o. tree that provides resin used for caulking, soap, etc.
1057 gandaruwa see GENDRUWO.
1058 gandel clapper (bell).
1059 gandengan a.s. d.c. coupling
1060 gandengan fluks flux linkage
1061 gandengan silang cross coupling
1062 gandengkan join
1063 ganderuwo see GENDRUWO.
1064 gandum giling kasar groats
1065 gandum hitam rye
1066 gandungan see GADUNGAN.
1067 gang beratap breeze way
1068 gang paling gampang the easiest
1069 ganggu dengan menggesek sepatu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scrape down;scraped down;scraped down;scraping down
1070 ganggu ketenangan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = unsettle;unsettled;unsettled;unsettling
1071 ganggu penerimaan siaran vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = jam a broadcast;jammed a broadcast;jammed a broadcast;jamming a broadcast
1072 ganggu tidur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = keep someone wide awake;kept someone wide awake;kept someone wide awake;keeping someone wide awake
1073 gangguan atmosfir atmospheric disturbance
1074 gangguan hebat convulsion
1075 gangguan jiwa oleh perasaan monomania
1076 gangguan laut seaweed
1077 gangguan listrik light failure
1078 gangguan perang war molest
1079 gangguan radio radio-interference
1080 gangguan syaraf karena pertempuran shell shock
1081 gangguan terhadap rumah tangga disturbance of domestic peace
1082 gangguan udara angkasa atmospherics
1083 ganjal kaki footrest
1084 ganjal kanta lens shim
1085 ganjal kimia chemical shimming
1086 gantang asap vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = build castle in the air;built castle in the air;built castle in the air;building castle in the air
1087 ganthol see GANTOL.
1088 ganti bentuk vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = refashion;refashioned;refashioned;refashioning
1089 ganti haluan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = turn a cat-in-pan;turned a cat-in-pan;turned a cat-in-pan;turning a cat-in-pan
1090 ganti jabatan yang baik vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = kick one upstairs;kicked one upstairs;kicked one upstairs;kicking one upstairs
1091 ganti mesin vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = re-engine;re-engined;re-engined;re-engining
1092 ganti nama change name
1093 ganti personil vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = clean house;cleaned house;cleaned house;cleaning house
1094 ganti rugi sewa rumah rent allowance
1095 ganti untuk vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = pinch hit for;pinched hit for;pinched hit for;pinching hit for
1096 ganti-rugi n;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = compensation;compensate;compensated;compensated;compensating
1097 gantian penagih permutation of the creditor
1098 gantikan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = replace;replaced;replaced;replacing
1099 gantinya its change
1100 gantungan baterai battery bearer
1101 gantungan handuk towel rack
1102 gantungan pakaian coat hanger
1103 gantungan periuk pothook
1104 gantungan sepatu bot bootstrap
1105 gapa,gapah 1. skillful, adroit, agile. 2. gapah see GOPOH.
1106 gapak see GAPA.
1107 gapik see GOPOH.
1108 gapmni [Gabubgab Pengusaha Makanan - Minuman] Association of Food and Drink Producers.
1109 garage [garase] see GARASI.
1110 garam amoniak ammonia salt
1111 garam arsenik arsenite
1112 garam asam bor borate
1113 garam asam cuka acetous salt
1114 garam basa basic salt
1115 garam batu rocksalt
1116 garam halus untuk makan table salt
1117 garam warangan arsenous salt
1118 garami air laut vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = carry coals to Newcastle;carryed coals to Newcastle;carryed coals to Newcastle;carrying coals to Newcastle
1119 garami vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = salt;salted;salted;salting
1120 garandir meng-garandir guarantee.
1121 garap tanah baru vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = break fresh ground;breaked fresh ground;breaked fresh ground;breaking fresh ground
1122 garapkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = farm out;farmed out;farmed out;farming out
1123 garas 1. shin. 2. meng-garas eat, gobble up.
1124 garba, garbha (Biol.) embryo.
1125 garden,gardin see GORDEN.
1126 gardu jaga watching station
1127 gardu penjagaan watching station
1128 gardu tanda signal box
1129 gardu transformator transformer station
1130 garis D D line
1131 garis Fraunhofer Fraunhofer lines
1132 garis Gauss Gaussian line
1133 garis L L-line
1134 garis Plimsol Plimsoll
1135 garis adiabatik adiabatic lines
1136 garis air pada kapal water line
1137 garis air loadline
1138 garis alir streamline
1139 garis andesit andesite line
1140 garis anti-Stokes anti-Stokes lines
1141 garis antistokes antistokes lines
1142 garis arah indicatrix
1143 garis arang lampu busur arc lamp carbontip
1144 garis atmosfir atmospheric line
1145 garis aurora auroral line
1146 garis ayah paternity
1147 garis bagi bisector
1148 garis balik tropic
1149 garis batas air hydraulic grade line
1150 garis batas border line
1151 garis bawahi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = underline;underlined;underlined;underlining
1152 garis beban load line
1153 garis bulatan perimeter
1154 garis dampak line of impact
1155 garis datar contour line
1156 garis depan pertempuran battle front
1157 garis edar orbit
1158 garis elektron luar external electron lines
1159 garis fluks magnet magnetic lines of flux
1160 garis forsa line of force
1161 garis foton luar external photon lines
1162 garis garis halus pinstripe
1163 garis hiasan trim
1164 garis isoklinik isoclinic line
1165 garis kakas magnet magnetic lines of force
1166 garis kakas magnetik magnetic lines of force
1167 garis kakas line of force
1168 garis katulistiwa the equator
1169 garis keliling perimeter
1170 garis keturunan ke atas up descendant
1171 garis keturunan ke bawah down descendant
1172 garis keturunan lurus right descendant
1173 garis keturunan lineage
1174 garis kolimasi line of collimation
1175 garis leher neckline
1176 garis lengkung bent line
1177 garis lingkar perimeter
1178 garis longsoran dislocation line
1179 garis lurus straight line
1180 garis medan beku frozen field lines
1181 garis melintang transverse
1182 garis menengah midline
1183 garis merah kadmium cadmium red line
1184 garis meridian meridian line
1185 garis mikrostrip microstrip line
1186 garis normal atomik pada sumbu uniter ortogonal atomic normals on orthogonal unitary axes
1187 garis patah broken line
1188 garis pemotong crossing line
1189 garis pengaruh influence line
1190 garis penyejajaran berkas line of collimation
1191 garis peta pemisah bahasa isogloss
1192 garis potong sudut ke sudut diagonal
1193 garis potong secant
1194 garis pual vortex line
1195 garis pukulan servis service line
1196 garis putih di jalan raya white line
1197 garis putus-putus dash line
1198 garis sekerup helix
1199 garis serangan line of attack
1200 garis simpul line of nodes
1201 garis spektrum astigmatik astigmatic spectral line
1202 garis spektrum spectral line
1203 garis sudut-menyudut diagonal
1204 garis sumbu axial line
1205 garis tanda batas air kapal plimsoli
1206 garis tegak-lurus perpendicular line
1207 garis tepi pantai coastal line
1208 garis tepi margin
1209 garis terdepan forefront
1210 garis terlarang forbidden line
1211 garis tinggi air pasang highmark
1212 garis ukur penolong auxiliary measuring line
1213 garis vertikat vertical line
1214 garis-F Feline
1215 garis-garis fluks lines of flux
1216 garis-garis kakas membeku freezing lines of force
1217 garis-garis kakas lines of force
1218 garisbagi tegak-lurus perpendicular bisector
1219 garnet besi iron garnet
1220 garnet gadolinium galium gadolinium-gallium garnet
1221 garnet tanah-langka rare-earth garnet
1222 garpu rumput pitchfork
1223 garuk kepala vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scratch head;scratched head;scratched head;scratching head
1224 gas Bose-Einstein Bose-Einstein gas
1225 gas Boyle Boyle gas
1226 gas Fermi elektron bebas free electron Fermi gas
1227 gas Fermi-Dirac tunawatak degenerate Fermi-Dirac gas
1228 gas Fermi-Dirac Fermi-Dirac gas
1229 gas Fermi Fermi gas
1230 gas Knudsen Knudsen gas
1231 gas Lorentz Lorentz gas
1232 gas batu bara untuk pemanas coal gas
1233 gas beracun tak berwarna phosgene
1234 gas beracun poisongas
1235 gas bom bomb gas
1236 gas boson Hamiltonan Hamiltonian boson gas
1237 gas boson boson gas
1238 gas claim permanent gas
1239 gas dalam perut flatulence
1240 gas dwiatom diatomic gas
1241 gas elektron Fermi Fermi electron gas
1242 gas elektron bebas free electron gas
1243 gas elektron tunawatak degenerate electron gas
1244 gas elektron electron gas
1245 gas elektronegatif electronegative gases
1246 gas encer dilute gas
1247 gas ffiton photon gas
1248 gas ideal ideal gas
1249 gas iring associated gas
1250 gas klasik sempurna perfect classical gas
1251 gas latar background gas
1252 gas mobil car gas
1253 gas monatomik monatomic gas
1254 gas mustard mustard gas
1255 gas nyata real gas
1256 gas pembawa carrier gas
1257 gas penidur laughing gas
1258 gas penyinar illuminating gas
1259 gas permanen permanent gas
1260 gas pokta perfect gas
1261 gas poliatomik polyatomic gas
1262 gas rembes bleed gas
1263 gas sempurna perfect gas
1264 gas tak sempurna imperfect gas
1265 gas takpokta imperfect gas
1266 gas taksempurna imperfect gas
1267 gas takterembunkan non-condensable gas
1268 gas tara calibration gas
1269 gas terbakarkan combustible gas
1270 gas terembunkan condensable gas
1271 gas termampatkan compressible gas
1272 gas tunawatak degenerate gas
1273 gas udara air-gas
1274 gas-gas penyusun constituent gases
1275 gas-ring gas-ring
1276 gasing Benham Benham top
1277 gasing setangkup berat heavy symmetrical top
1278 gasket bonet bonnet gasket
1279 gasket kerjang foil gasket
1280 gasket logam metal gasket
1281 gasket menyumbu axial gasket
1282 gasket pita-tudung cap-collar gasket
1283 gastrik gastric
1284 gatal-gatal pruritis
1285 gatutkaca son of Bima, o. of the Pendawa brothers in the Java wayang.
1286 gaun malam nightdress
1287 gaun panjang maxidress
1288 gauss gauss
1289 gaya Inggris anglicism
1290 gaya arsitektur Roma romanesque
1291 gaya bahasa seseorang idiolect
1292 gaya baru new look
1293 gaya berjalan gait
1294 gaya bertutur elocution
1295 gaya dan strategi manajemen management style and strategy
1296 gaya dorong impellent
1297 gaya elektromatoris aktif active electromative force
1298 gaya elektromotif rata-rata average electromotive force
1299 gaya gabung affinity
1300 gaya gerak listrik rata-rata average motive force
1301 gaya lekat adhesion force
1302 gaya manajemen management style
1303 gaya manipulatip manipulative style of
1304 gaya melukis dari kesan umum impresionism
1305 gaya mutlak absolute force
1306 gaya penulisan stylistic
1307 gaya perilaku mode of behaviour
1308 gaya rambut coiffure coiffure
1309 gaya samping side stroke
1310 gaya sastra romantis romanticism
1311 gaya tahan last
1312 gaya tolak repellence
1313 gaya tongkat dan wortel untuk carrot and stick style of
1314 gaya yang disukai keluarga family style
1315 gayung pengeruk dredge bucket
1316 gayutan berarah directional dependence
1317 gazetir gazetteer
1318 gedebak gedebak-gedebuk/gedebur 1 sound of s.t. heavy having fallen. 2 sound of footsteps on a floor. meng-gedebuk-kan stamp s.t. down hard.
1319 gedebum see GEDEBUK.
1320 gedebur
1321 gedung DPR Amerika Capitol
1322 gedung apartemen condomium
1323 gedung bangunan building
1324 gedung bertingkat storey building
1325 gedung besar yang curam amphitheatre
1326 gedung bioskop theater
1327 gedung bulat rotunda
1328 gedung kedutaan embassy
1329 gedung kesenian music-hall
1330 gedung komidi playhouse
1331 gedung mudah terbakar firetrap
1332 gedung olah raga field house
1333 gedung opera opera house
1334 gedung pemerintah public building
1335 gedung pengadilan hall of justice
1336 gedung perkantoran officeblock
1337 gedung pertandingan coliseum
1338 gedung pertemuan pendeta chapter house
1339 gedung pertemuan meeting house
1340 gedung pertunjukan club house
1341 gedung tanpa lift walk-up
1342 gedung utama main building
1343 gedung wanita women's club house
1344 gedung-gedung physical plant
1345 gegak see GEGAP 1.
1346 geganti Kipp Kipp relay
1347 gegap-gempita thundering
1348 gegaran jarring
1349 gegerkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = make a stir;made a stir;made a stir;making a stir
1350 gegetuk see GETUK 1.
1351 geguyon joke, make a joke.
1352 gejala kooperatif cooperative phenomena
1353 gejala opfis opfical phenomena
1354 gejala optis optical phenomena
1355 gelabak see GELETAK.
1356 geladak bawah lower deck
1357 geladak belakang quarterdeck
1358 geladak kapal shipboard
1359 geladak paling atas sundeck
1360 gelagepan see GELAGAPAN.
1361 gelak tawa terbahak belly laugh
1362 gelandang belakang fullback
1363 gelang asap smoke ring
1364 gelang besi siku angle of ring
1365 gelang jam watchband
1366 gelang kaki anklet
1367 gelang peluru ball race
1368 gelangang pasar malam fairground
1369 gelanggang balapan mobil speedway
1370 gelanggang bowling bowling alley
1371 gelanggang es rink
1372 gelantar meng-gelantar bleach, dry in the sun.
1373 gelanting,gelantung ber-gelantung hang down, dangle, steady o.s. by holding onto s.t. above.
1374 gelantur meng-gelantur flow forth, come forth.
1375 gelapai meng-gelapai fight feebly (of cocks).
1376 gelapkan uang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = peculate;peculated;peculated;peculating
1377 gelapkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = darken;darkened;darkened;darkening
1378 gelar bangsawan inggris UK noble title
1379 gelar bangsawan noble title
1380 gelar doktor docktorate
1381 gelar karena kehormatan honorary
1382 gelar ningrat count
1383 gelar orang berlagak penting panjandrum
1384 gelar sarjana college degree
1385 gelari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dub;dubbed;dubbed;dubbing
1386 gelarkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dub;dubbed;dubbed;dubbing
1387 gelas berbentuk piala goblet
1388 gelas besar tumbler
1389 gelas bir lager
1390 gelas minum drinking glass
1391 gelas-gelas bertangkai stemware
1392 gelayaran stagger.
1393 gelebur meng-gelebur plunge, jump into (a fire, etc.).
1394 gelebyar ber-fly around.
1395 gelecek,gelecik meng-gelecek skid, slip, slide.
1396 gelembung magnet magnetic bubble
1397 gelembung sabun soap bubble
1398 gelembung udara air bubble
1399 gelembungkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = distend;distended;distended;distending
1400 gelendang antena aerial drum
1401 gelendong tali rope
1402 gelengkan kepala vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = shake head;shaked head;shaked head;shaking head
1403 gelengkan kepalanya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = shake his head;shook his head;shook his head;shaking his head
1404 gelepak sag, collapse (of bridge, etc.).
1405 geliang,geliang-geliut writhe, wriggle. ber-geliang wriggle, squirm.
1406 geliat-geliat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = wriggle;wriggled;wriggled;squirming
1407 gelimpah, gelimpang ber-gelimpah-an be sprawled face up all over.
1408 gelinciran gas gas slippage
1409 gelincirkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = derail;derailed;derailed;derailing
1410 gelinding mundur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = roll back;rolled back;rolled back;rolling back
1411 gelindingkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = trundle;trundled;trundled;trundling
1412 gelisahkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fidget;fidgeted;fidgeted;fidgeting
1413 gelombang Alfven Alfven wave
1414 gelombang Bohm-Gross Bohm-Gross waves
1415 gelombang E E waves
1416 gelombang G G-wave
1417 gelombang Lamb Lamb wave
1418 gelombang Mach Mach wave
1419 gelombang akustik acoustics waves
1420 gelombang badan body waves
1421 gelombang bahang heat wave
1422 gelombang balistik ballistic wave
1423 gelombang batas boundary wave
1424 gelombang berjalan travelling wave
1425 gelombang besar ground swell
1426 gelombang bias refracted wave
1427 gelombang bidang Dirac Dirac plane wave
1428 gelombang bidang akustik acoustic plane wave
1429 gelombang bidang seragam uniform plane wave
1430 gelombang bidang takserbasama inhomogeneous plane wave
1431 gelombang bidang terenjang orthogonalized plane waves
1432 gelombang bidang plane wave
1433 gelombang bumi ground wave
1434 gelombang cahaya light wave
1435 gelombang dilasi dilational wave
1436 gelombang dilatasi dilatational wave
1437 gelombang dingin tiba-tiba cold wave
1438 gelombang elastik elastic wave
1439 gelombang elektrik lintang transverse electric wave
1440 gelombang elektromagnet electromagnetic wave
1441 gelombang elektron electron wave
1442 gelombang elektrostatik electrostatic wave
1443 gelombang fana evanescent waves
1444 gelombang gasik advanced wave
1445 gelombang gravitas akustik acoustic-gravity waves
1446 gelombang gravitasi gravitational wave
1447 gelombang hidrodinamik hydrodynamic wave
1448 gelombang hidrodinamilc hydrodynamic wave
1449 gelombang hidromagnetik hydromagnetic wave
1450 gelombang kejut Cerenkov Cerenkov shock wave
1451 gelombang kejut akustik ion ion acoustic shock wave
1452 gelombang kejut elektromagnetik electromagnetic shock wave
1453 gelombang kejut shock wave
1454 gelombang kekisi lattice wave
1455 gelombang kepala head wave
1456 gelombang lintang transverse wave
1457 gelombang luar biasa extraordinary wave
1458 gelombang luar-biasa extraordinary wave
1459 gelombang magnetik lintang transverse magnetic wave
1460 gelombang magnetik magnetic wave
1461 gelombang magnetobunyi magnetosonic wave
1462 gelombang magnetohidrodinamik magnetohydrodynamic wave
1463 gelombang masuk incident wave
1464 gelombang materi matter wave
1465 gelombang menegah medium wave
1466 gelombang menyumbu axial wave
1467 gelombang merayap creeping waves
1468 gelombang muka surface wave
1469 gelombang paduan coupled wave
1470 gelombang panas heatwave
1471 gelombang panggu partial waves
1472 gelombang panjang long wave
1473 gelombang pantul reflected wave
1474 gelombang pembawa carrier wave
1475 gelombang pendek short wave
1476 gelombang plasma elektron electron plasma wave
1477 gelombang rapat muatan charge density wave
1478 gelombang sadak oblique wave
1479 gelombang salur channel wave
1480 gelombang setelah badai swell
1481 gelombang sferis bebas Dirac Dirac free spherical wave
1482 gelombang sferis bebas free spherical wave
1483 gelombang siklotron ion elektrostatik electrostatic ion cyclotron wave
1484 gelombang spin antiferomagnetik antiferromagnetic spin wave
1485 gelombang spin feromagnetik ferromagnetic spin wave
1486 gelombang suara sound wave
1487 gelombang tegak standing wave
1488 gelombang tenaga negatif negative energy waves
1489 gelombang terkutub lingkar kiri l.c.p. waves
1490 gelombang termodulasi modulated wave
1491 gelombang terpandu guided wave
1492 gelombang terus transmitted wave
1493 gelombang ubahan converted wave
1494 gelombang udara yang bergerak cepat shock wave
1495 gelombang-hanyutan drift wave
1496 gelombang-p meson meson p-wave
1497 gelombang-s meson meson s-wave
1498 gelombang-selam diving waves
1499 gelonjak jumping up and down. meng-gelonjang arise.
1500 geluntung (ber)geluntung-an laze around in bed.
1501 geluntur meng-geluntur glide, slide, ride smoothly along.
1502 gema geletar flutter echo
1503 gema musik musical echo
1504 gema selaras harmonic echo
1505 gemaca plaited bamboo for walls and ceiling.
1506 gemah-ripah (Java) very prosperous.
1507 gemakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = echo;echoed;echoed;echoing
1508 gemar berperang militaristic
1509 gemar bertengkar controversial
1510 gemar melakukan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = go in for;got in for;got in for;going in for
1511 gemar sekali avid
1512 gemari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = like;liked;liked;liking
1513 gembala babi swineherd
1514 gembalakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = herd;herded;herded;herding
1515 gembang pudgy.
1516 gembar-gemborkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = herald;heralded;heralded;heralding
1517 gembereng
1518 gembira besar exuberance
1519 gembira dan segar chipper
1520 gembira sekali exuberant
1521 gembira seolah tak terjadi sesuatu put a good face on
1522 gembirakan pikiran uplifting
1523 gembirakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = seethe with excitement;seethed with excitement;seethed with excitement;seething with excitement
1524 gemblok meng-gemblok-i cling to.
1525 gembong politik politico
1526 gembungkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = puff;puffed;puffed;puffing
1527 gemburkan tanah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scarify;scarified;scarified;scarifing
1528 gemburkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scarify;scarified;scarified;scarifiing
1529 gemelai see GEMULAI.
1530 gemelegar see GELEGAR 2.
1531 gemelintang full of stars.
1532 gempabumi earthquake
1533 gemparkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = cause a commotion;caused a commotion;caused a commotion;causing a commotion
1534 gemuk dan pendek dumpy
1535 gemuk hewan animal fat
1536 gemuk pendek podgy
1537 gemuk sekali obese
1538 gemukkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fatten;fattened;fattened;fattening
1539 genangi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = suffuse;suffused;suffused;suffusing
1540 gendang belanga kettle drum
1541 gendangan telinga tympanic membrance
1542 gendir see GENDER.
1543 gendruwo (Java) malevolent (male) spirit.
1544 genealogisasi generalization.
1545 genelalogis genealogistical.
1546 generalisir meng-generalize.
1547 generasi kuno beat generation
1548 generation gap generation gap
1549 generator arus tukar alternating current generator
1550 generator elektrostatik electrostatic generator
1551 generator pulse pulse generator
1552 genggamlah hold-on
1553 genitif,genitip (Ling.) genitive.
1554 genjatan senjata armed peace
1555 genta arus bolak-balik alternating current bell
1556 gentarkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = give a shaking up;gave a shaking up;gave a shaking up;giving a shaking up
1557 genting lengkung pantile
1558 genting seketika prompt critical
1559 genting tertunda delayed critical
1560 geodesik nol null geodesic
1561 geodesik geodetic
1562 geodetik geodetical
1563 geodinamika geodynamics
1564 geoelektrik geoelectric
1565 geofisik geophysical.
1566 geofisika teknik engineering geophysics
1567 geofleks geoflex
1568 geofon berganda multiple geophones
1569 geofon elektrodinamik electrodynamic geophone
1570 geofon kumparan-gerak moving-coil geophone
1571 geografi politik political geography
1572 geoid geoid
1573 geomagnetisme geomagnetism
1574 geometri Azbel-Kaner Azbel-Kaner geometry
1575 geometri Bolyai Bolyai geometry
1576 geometri balk good geometry
1577 geometri bukan-Euclides non-euclidean geometry
1578 geometri diferensial permukaan lengkung differential geometry of a curved surface
1579 geometri hablur Johnson Johnson crystal geometry
1580 geometri invarian-tolok gauge-invariant geometry
1581 geometri jagat Minkowski geometry of Minkowski world
1582 geometri permukaan lengkung geometry of curved surfaces
1583 geometri ruang-kosmik geometry of the cosmic space
1584 geometri,geometrika geometry.
1585 geon geon
1586 geopolitis geopolitical.
1587 geopotensial geopotential
1588 georadar georadar
1589 geosinklin geosyncline
1590 geotermis geothermic.
1591 gepak,gepak 1. see KEPAK 1. 2.(Jakarta) kick.
1592 gepar see GELEPAR.
1593 gepengkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = squash;squashed;squashed;squashing
1594 ger-ger 1 sound of boisterous laughter. 2 sound of snoring.
1595 ger see also entries with gr- ger.
1596 gerabak-gerubuk 1 sound of repeated, various thumping noises (of heavy footsteps, falling chairs, futniture being moved). 2 do s.t. hurriedly or without care or regard for others.
1597 geradakan 1 uneven, coarse (surface, etc.). 2 rough (action, handling, etc.).
1598 gerak Brown Brownian movement
1599 gerak Brownan Brownian motion
1600 gerak Poinsot Poinsot motion
1601 gerak berkala periodic motion
1602 gerak dipercepat accelerating movement
1603 gerak dorong apungan buoyancy driven motion
1604 gerak fana transient motion
1605 gerak gelombang wave motion
1606 gerak harmonik sederhana simple harmonic motion
1607 gerak harmonik harmonic motion
1608 gerak hiperbolik hyperbolic motion
1609 gerak isyarat tangan gesticulation
1610 gerak kaki footwork
1611 gerak kepala head movements
1612 gerak lambat slow motion
1613 gerak lingkar circular motion
1614 gerak lurus rectilinear motion
1615 gerak maju ahead motion
1616 gerak mata eye movements
1617 gerak mengombak undulation
1618 gerak menyudut angular motion
1619 gerak mundar-mandir alternate motion
1620 gerak mundur backward movement
1621 gerak mutlak absolute motion
1622 gerak nisbi relative motion
1623 gerak percepatan accelerated motion
1624 gerak peristaltik peristalsis
1625 gerak putar volution
1626 gerak selaras teredam damped harmonic motion
1627 gerak selaras harmonic motion
1628 gerak sendok auger bit
1629 gerak siklotron cyclotron motion
1630 gerak taknisbian nonrelativistic motion
1631 gerak tanda mulai dari dirigen downbeat
1632 gerak terkendala constrained motion
1633 gerak translasi translational motion
1634 gerak turun naik bob
1635 gerak-gerakkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = move about;moved about;moved about;moving about
1636 gerakan berputar pirouetting
1637 gerakan bersudut angular motion
1638 gerakan cepat whisk
1639 gerakan hati impulse
1640 gerakan maju cepat lunge
1641 gerakan menjepit pincer movement
1642 gerakan patahan kentara apparent movement of fault
1643 gerakan tangan gesticulating
1644 gerakan yang sangat lembut pianissimo
1645 gerakan zalir takberolak irrotational fluid motion
1646 gerakberalun oscillatory motion
1647 gerakberlapis laminar motion
1648 gerakkan balik vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = work back;worked back;worked back;working back
1649 gerakkan cepat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dart;darted;darted;darting
1650 gerakkan dengan kaku vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = barg about;barged about;barged about;barging about
1651 gerakkan saja just move
1652 gerakkan secara besar-besaran vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = give impetus to;gave impetus to;given impetus to;giving impetus to
1653 gerakkan tangan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = gesticulate;gesticulated;gesticulated;gesticulating
1654 gerakkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = move;moved;moved;moving
1655 gerakterbenah ordered motion
1656 gerangan apa what the hell
1657 gerasakan rough (of a surface).
1658 gerbang AND AND gate
1659 gerbang ATAU NOR gate
1660 gerbang BUDAN NAND gate
1661 gerbang atau eksklusif exclusive or gate
1662 gerbang import port of entry
1663 gerbang kecil wicket
1664 gerbang mobil van
1665 gerbang nalar logic gate
1666 gerbang tol tollgate
1667 gerbangkertasusila [Gersik-Jombang-Kertosono- Surabaya-Sidoarjo-Lamgongan] metropolitan Surabaya area.
1668 gerber gerber
1669 gerbong kereta api compartment of train
1670 gerbong pengangkut barang luggavevar
1671 gereja Anglikan Anglican
1672 gereja Metodis Methodist
1673 gereja Mormon Mormon
1674 gereja Ortodoks church
1675 gereja Ortodox Junani the Eastern Church
1676 gereja bawah tanah crypt
1677 gereja katedral cathedral
1678 gereja pengurang minuend
1679 gerejawan churchman, an ecclesiastical.
1680 gerek sendok gouge
1681 gerekan borings
1682 geretak,geretek meng-geretek 1crackle. 2 gnash o.'s teeth.
1683 gergaji berbentuk bundar buzz saw
1684 gergaji berbingkai frame saw
1685 gergaji besi hacksaw
1686 gergaji dawai asam acid string saw
1687 gergaji dinginan lumpur muck saws
1688 gergaji intan diamond saws
1689 gergaji kayu ripsaw
1690 gergaji logam hacksaw
1691 gergaji mangkuk cup saws
1692 gergaji mesin potong pitsaw
1693 gergaji mesin chain saw
1694 gergaji pembentuk potongan coping saw
1695 gergaji pengukir fret saw
1696 gergaji pita band saw
1697 gergaji rantai dinginan lumpur muck gang saw
1698 gergaji ukir fretsaw
1699 gerhana bintang occultation
1700 gerhana panggu partial eclipse
1701 gerigi garpu tine
1702 gerigit meng-gerigit gnaw at.
1703 gerilyawan kota urban guerrilla
1704 gerinda nirpusat centerless grinders
1705 gerinyit see GERENYOT.
1706 germanium struktur pita band structure germanium
1707 gero-gero (Java) wail.
1708 gerobak bak terbuka lowry
1709 gerobak batu-bara coal car
1710 gerobak datar flatcar
1711 gerobak gandeng trawer
1712 gerobak jungkit barrow tip
1713 gerobak roda satu barrow
1714 gerobak sapi oxcart
1715 gerobak tangan wheelbarrow
1716 gerogoti vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = gnaw;gnawed;gnawed;gnawing
1717 geropyak (Java) sound of a crash. ber-geropyak thump, thud (of tree falling, etc.).
1718 gerosok 1. sound of rustling (e.g. dry leaves when walked over). 2. meng-gerosok-gerosok wade.
1719 gertakkan gigi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = grind teeth;ground teeth;ground teeth;grinding teeth
1720 geruk sound of object scraping scross hard surface.
1721 gerumbul density. meng-gerumbul be gathered in a place.
1722 gesekan Goldberg-Mohn Goldberg-Mohn friction
1723 gesekan batas boundary friction
1724 gesekan dakhil internal ffiction
1725 gesekan dinamis dynamical friction
1726 gesekan gerak kinetic friction
1727 gesekan guling rolling friction
1728 gesekan kinetik kinetic ffiction
1729 gesekan luncur sliding friction
1730 gesekan mekanis mechanical friction
1731 gesekan zalir fluid friction
1732 geser posisi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = unseat;unseated;unseated;unseating
1733 geseran dielektrik dielectric displacement
1734 gesit suka kerja keras harddriving
1735 getah perca guttapercha
1736 getah perekat keramik ammoniac
1737 getahkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rubberize;rubberized;rubberized;rubberizing
1738 getaran batang teredam damped vibration of bar
1739 getaran bebas free vibration
1740 getaran bunyi vibration
1741 getaran dawai teredam damped vibration of string
1742 getaran eter etheric vibration
1743 getaran gabungan combination of vibrations
1744 getaran harmonik harmonic fibration
1745 getaran hati thrill
1746 getaran kekisi lattice vibration
1747 getaran lintang transverse vibration
1748 getaran longitudinal longitudinal vibration
1749 getaran mekanis mechanical vibration
1750 getaran molekul molecular vibration
1751 getaran paksa forced vibration
1752 getaran ragam akustik acoustic mode vibration
1753 getaran selaput teredam damped vibration of membran
1754 getaran swaimbas self-induced vibration
1755 getaran teredam damped vibration
1756 getaran titik-nol zero-point vibration
1757 getarkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = jar;jarred;jarred;jarring
1758 getokan stick to hit with.
1759 getrok sound of flailing (e.g. palm fronds). meng-getrok strike repeatedly (to remove contenst of can, jar, etc.).
1760 getssler getssler
1761 geyong-geyong (Java) dangle.
1762 geyong (Jakarta) large-buttocked.
1763 gh- see also entries with g-.
1764 giat bekerja vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = work impetously;worked impetously;worked impetously;working impetously
1765 giatkan kembali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = reactivate;reactivated;reactivated;reactivating
1766 gift-voucher gift-voucher
1767 gigau see IGAU.
1768 gigi jentera sprocket
1769 gigi kacip incisor
1770 gigi kanin canine tooth
1771 gigi persneling gears
1772 gigi roda kecil little cog
1773 gigi roda cog
1774 gigi taring atas eyetooth
1775 gigi taring fang
1776 gigi teromol barrel wheel
1777 gigi tonggos buck tooth
1778 gigil,gigir meng-gigir shiver, tremble.
1779 gigir-gunung (Java) mountain ridge, range of hills.
1780 gigit kutu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = flea bitten;flea bitten;flea bitten;fleaing bitten
1781 gigit pada vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bitten upon;bitten upon;bitten upon;bittening upon
1782 gigit tajam mordant
1783 gigitan ular snakebite
1784 gila - gilaan 1) foolhardy, foolish. 2) frantic, like mad. 3) exessive, beyond reason.
1785 gila betul a screw loose
1786 gila kemuliaan megalomania
1787 gila ketakutan paranoid
1788 gila sekali as mad as a hatter
1789 gilakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = madden;maddened;maddened;maddening
1790 gilang gemilang resplendent
1791 gilang-cemerlang glittering and bright.
1792 gilang-gemilang bright and brilliant.
1793 gilanya madness
1794 gilder guilder
1795 gilemot guillemot
1796 gilingan padi rice mill
1797 giliran gelap black-out
1798 giliran kita our turn
1799 gilotin guillotine
1800 ginang-ginang sticky rice sweetmeat.
1801 ginea guinea
1802 ginekologis gynecological
1803 ginjal,ginjel kidney.
1804 ginjatan Gibbs Gibbs fluctuatidn
1805 ginjatan benda-hitam blackbody fluctuation
1806 ginjatan boson boson fluctuation
1807 ginjatan bunyi fluctuation of sound
1808 ginjatan dekat titik genting near critical point fluctuation
1809 ginjatan foton photon fluctuation
1810 ginjatan gas Bose Bose gas fluctuation
1811 ginjatan gas Fermi Fermi gas fluctuation
1812 ginjatan kepekatan concentrate fluctuation
1813 ginjatan lesapan fluctuation dissipation
1814 ginjatan rapatan density fluctuation
1815 ginjatan setempat local fluctuation
1816 ginjatan suhu temperature fluctuation
1817 ginjatan tekanan pressure fluctuation
1818 ginjatan tenaga energy fluctuation
1819 ginjatan vakum medan elektromagnetik electromagnetic field vacuum fluctuations
1820 ginjatan fluctuation
1821 gintil bahan-bakar fuel pellet
1822 giok (China0 jade.
1823 giran girant
1824 girangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = brighten;brightened;brightened;brightening
1825 girator gyrator
1826 giro terarah directional gyro
1827 giro-pos 1 postal money transfer. 2 postal clearing.
1828 girodinamika gyrodynamics
1829 girokompas Foucault Foucault gyrocompass
1830 girokompas gyrocompass
1831 giromagnetik gyromagnetic
1832 girometer gyrometer
1833 giroskop bandul pendulous gyroscope
1834 giroskopis gyroscopic
1835 girostatis gyrostatis
1836 girotrekuensi gyrofrequency
1837 gitar banjo banjo
1838 gitar bersenar tiga balalaika
1839 gitar kecil ukulele
1840 gk [gaya kuda] horsepower.
1841 gl- see also entries with gel-.
1842 gl. [gelar] title.
1843 glanders glanders
1844 glasiasi (Geol.) glaciation.
1845 gloksinia gloxinia
1846 glukoma glaucoma
1847 gluon berwarna coloured gluon
1848 gluon gluon
1849 goal
1850 gobernor see GUBERNUR.
1851 godog,godok s.t. boiled.
1852 gogap-gempita noisy
1853 gokart go-cart.
1854 gol. [golongan] group.
1855 golakan gelombang-hanyutan drift-wave turbulence
1856 golkar
1857 golkarisasi (Pol.0 process or movement to enlist support and secure victory for Golkar.
1858 golongan atas upper crust
1859 golongan berpengaruh pressure group
1860 golongan elite smart set
1861 golongan luar out group
1862 golongan ningrat gentry
1863 golongan sendiri in group
1864 golongan terpilih electoral college
1865 golongan upah wage bracket
1866 golongisme mentality characterized by divisiveness and group-orientation.
1867 golongkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = classify;classified;classified;classifying
1868 gombinis see KOMUNIS.
1869 gombol bunch (of keys, etc.).
1870 gombyor baggy (of k.o. pants).
1871 gomok see GEMUK.
1872 gompyok 1. thick (of hair, leaves). 2 betasseled. 2. (Biol.) gonad.
1873 goncangkan kepercayaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = shake faith;shaked faith;shaked faith;shaking faith
1874 goncangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = jiggle;jiggled;jiggled;jiggling
1875 gonceng see BONCENG.
1876 gondoruwo see GENDRUWO.
1877 gongsengan singeing
1878 goniofotometer goniophotometer
1879 goniometer hablur ganda double crystal goniometer
1880 goniometer sinar-x x-ray goniometer
1881 goniometer goniometer
1882 goniometris goniometrical
1883 gonorea, gonori gonorrhea.
1884 gontokan 1 quarrel. 2 engage in a conflict, fistfight, etc.
1885 gonyok meng-gonyok wipe, scour, make clean.
1886 gonyokan 1 wiping, cleaning. 2 scourge, wiping out.
1887 gopeh quick. gopoh-gopoh in a hurry, hurriedly. ter(gopoh-gopoh) hurry, hurriedly, hastily.
1888 gorden,gordin curtain.
1889 goreng dengan banyak minyak vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = deep-fried;deep-fried;deep-fried;deep-friing
1890 gores dalam hati vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = strike fire into heart;struck fire into heart;stricken fire into heart;striking fire into heart
1891 gores-silang mengambang floating recticle
1892 goreskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = inscribe;inscribed;inscribed;inscribing
1893 goret see GORES.
1894 gosipkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bandi;bandied;bandied;bandiing
1895 gosok dengan batu gosok vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hollystone;hollystoned;hollystoned;hollystoning
1896 gosok gigi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = brush teeth;brushed teeth;brushed teeth;brushing teeth
1897 gosok halus vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = levigate;levigated;levigated;levigating
1898 gosok kotoran vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scrape off;scraped off;scraped off;scraping off
1899 gosoki vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rub down;rubbed down;rubbed down;rubbing down
1900 gossip see GOSIP.
1901 gotiau see GO 1.
1902 gotong-royong
1903 gradag (Java) sound of dragging or moving over a rough surface. gradag-an clatter, tumult.
1904 gradah,gradak see GELEDAH.
1905 grade suara voice grade
1906 grade telegrap telegraph grade
1907 gradien barometrik barometric gradient
1908 gradien empat four gradient
1909 gradien hidrolik kritis gradient
1910 gradien potensial potential gradient
1911 gradien tekanan pressure gradient
1912 gradien temperatur temperature gradient
1913 gradiomanometer gradiomanometer
1914 gradiometer gradiometer
1915 graduil gradual.
1916 grafik Fermi Fermi plot
1917 grafik Kurie Kurie plot
1918 grafik garis line graph
1919 grafik keterarahan directivity graph
1920 grafik serap absorption curve
1921 grafik,grafika on a graph.
1922 grafik-teras coregraph
1923 grafikKurie Kurie plot
1924 grafometer graphometer
1925 grafopon graphophone
1926 gragal bits of plaster, cement, rocks left over from construction.
1927 gram-kalori gram-calori
1928 gram-roentgen gram-roentgen
1929 gramafon phonograph
1930 gramang see GERAMANG.
1931 gramaphon dengan antene radio-phonograph
1932 gramaphone gramophone
1933 gramapon gramaphone
1934 gramme gramme
1935 gramopon phonograph.
1936 granat tak meledak dud
1937 grand prix Grand Prix
1938 grand-master Grand Master
1939 graphics-based graphics-based
1940 grapik see GRAFIK.
1941 gravimeter lubang-bor borehole gravimeter
1942 gravir engraving (in trophies, etc.).
1943 gravitas baku standard gravity
1944 gravitas setempat local gravity
1945 grebeg, grebek see GAREBEG.
1946 gregatan see GEREGETAN.
1947 gregel (Java) ng-gregel-i nervous to the point of quivering (and lossing grip of s.t.).
1948 greges (Java) feverfish. ng-greges suffer or tremble from a fever.
1949 gremet (Java) meng-gremet advance very slowly. meng-gremet-i crawl on s.t.
1950 grenade grenade
1951 grengseng (Java) feeling of excitement or anticipation.
1952 grepe see GERAPAI.
1953 groat groat
1954 grobak see GEROBAK.
1955 grodok sound of dragging or bumping (i.e. metal banging against metal, etc.).
1956 grogol see GEROGOL.
1957 grogot see GEROGOT.
1958 grojok gush forth.
1959 grojokan flushing.
1960 grombolan see GEROMBOL.
1961 gross gross
1962 groto grotto
1963 group-captain group captain
1964 growak having a hole or flaw.
1965 grup Abelan Abelian group
1966 grup Lie Lie group
1967 grup Lorentz lengkap complete Lorentz group
1968 grup Lorentz ortokronus orthochronous Lorentz group
1969 grup Lorentz takhomogen inhomogeneous Lorentz group
1970 grup Lorentz Lorentz group
1971 grup anta finite group
1972 grup faktor factor group
1973 grup ganda double group
1974 grup homomorfik homomorphic group
1975 grup isomorf isomorphous group
1976 grup isomorfik isomorphic group
1977 grup kontinu continuous group
1978 grup ortokronus orthocronous group
1979 grup permutasi permutation group
1980 grup titik kekisi Bravais Bravais lattice point group
1981 grup titik kristalografik crystallographic point group
1982 grup titik kubus cubic point group
1983 gua besar dalam tanah cavern
1984 gub. [gubernur] governor.
1985 gubah lagi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = refashion;refashioned;refashioned;refashioning
1986 gubah syair vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = versify;versified;versified;versifying
1987 gubahan musik opuses
1988 gubahan sastra atau musik fantasia
1989 gubernur jenderal governor general
1990 gubernur jendral governor general
1991 guci didih boiling flask
1992 gudang anggur wine cellar
1993 gudang barang entrepot
1994 gudang bawah tanah bank bank vault
1995 gudang bawah tanah vault
1996 gudang berbahaya dangerous godown
1997 gudang di bawah tanah cellar
1998 gudang gandum grain elevator
1999 gudang kayu woodshed
2000 gudang penampung accumulation storage
2001 gudang penimbunan storage
2002 gudang penumpukan open storage
2003 gudang penyimpanan kay lumberyard
2004 gudang penyimpanan kayu wood shed
2005 gudang persediaan stockhouse
2006 gudang utama base stock
2007 gugat dalam kasasi defendant in cassation
2008 gugatan balasan reconvention
2009 gugatan cerai procedure of diforce
2010 gugatan hak milik complain of the property's right
2011 gugatan untuk pembatalan annulment requisition
2012 gugup karena takut panicky
2013 gugur dalam tugas vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = die in action;killed in action;killed in action;killing in action
2014 gugur di medan perang vb.3 killed in war
2015 gugurkan kandungan abort the pregnance
2016 gugurkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = abort;aborted;aborted;aborting
2017 gugus basis irreducible cluster
2018 gugus berkala time series
2019 gugus geofon patch
2020 gugus kendali mutu quality control
2021 gugusan atom atomic group
2022 guk-guk bow-bow
2023 gula maple maple-sugar
2024 gula putih dibubukkan castor sugar
2025 gula yang didapat dari bauh-buahan grape sugar
2026 gula-gula dari mentega butterscotch
2027 gulai daging goulash
2028 gulash goulash
2029 gulat bebas all in wrestling
2030 gulet 1. see GULAT. 2. see GELUT.
2031 guling-guling jangkar anchor buntline
2032 gulingan muka tanah ground roll
2033 gulirkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = raise;raised;raised;raising
2034 gulu banyak back inlet gully
2035 gulu-banyak (Auto.) curved part of exhaust pipe.
2036 gulung layar vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = clew up;clewed up;clewed up;clewing up
2037 gulung pancing vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = reel in;reeled in;reeled in;reeling in
2038 gulung sendiri selfwinding
2039 gulungan alas tidur bed roll
2040 gulungan jangkar armature coil
2041 gum arab gum arabic
2042 gumalai see GEMULAI.
2043 gumpalan daging gobbet
2044 gumpalan es terapung floe
2045 gumpalkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = crumple;crumpled;crumpled;crumpling
2046 gumulan a tangle (of issues, boys wrestling, etc.).
2047 guna usaha tenure by long lease
2048 guna-guna pemikat philter
2049 gunakan cara tidak jujur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hit bellow the belt;hit bellow the belt;hit bellow the belt;hitting bellow the belt
2050 gunakan dengan bebas vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = make free use of;made free use of;made free use of;making free use of
2051 gunakan kekuasaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = put the srews on;put the screws on;put the screws on;putting the screws on
2052 gunakan kesempatan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = take the occasion;took the occasion;taken the occasion;taking the occasion
2053 gunakan sebagai vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = us as;used as;used as;using as
2054 gunakan semaunya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = make free with;made free with;made free with;making free with
2055 gunakan untuk kebaikan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = use to good advantage;used to good advantage;used to good advantage;using to good advantage
2056 gunapa (Coll.) what for ?
2057 guncangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = shake;shook;shaken;shaking
2058 gundukan pasir sand bar
2059 gundukan tanah mound
2060 gungli see GONGLI.
2061 gunting besar pemotong dahan pruningscissors
2062 gunting besar shear
2063 gunting kaleng tinner
2064 gunting pemotong kain pinking scissors
2065 guntingan berita press clipping
2066 guntingan kertas scrap paper
2067 guntingan koran clipping
2068 gunung es terapung iceberg
2069 gunung yang tinggi alp
2070 guras see KURAS 2.
2071 gurat senter back center
2072 guratan ekspresi facial expression
2073 gurdi tangan auger
2074 guru agama Hindu guru
2075 guru di universitas schollmen
2076 guru pengawas housemaster
2077 guru privat tutor
2078 guru sekolah laki-laki school-master
2079 guru sekolah wanita school-misterss
2080 guru wanita mistress
2081 gurubesar full professor
2082 gusar berlebihan terribly concerned
2083 gusarkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = provoke;provoked;provoked;provoking
2084 gusberi gooseberry
2085 gutural guttural.
2086 gwo-yeu /kwo-i/ see KUOYU.
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